The old political saw that says "Call me anything,
but mention my name" became well known because, if you are a
politician, having your name mentioned in the L.A. Times or some similarly enormous media giant will help you
no matter what the story says about you.
The most important task an unknown politician like Ron Paul faces is having his name recognized.
The Bull Goose Honcho of Establishment News, Time Magazine, has
lumped Dr. Paul in with the top 100 movers and shakers on the planet.
Never the less, Paul supporters insist on flaming Time editors with complaints about having labeled their man anti-government, isolationist, and quixotic. Get a grip!!!
Whining about the technical definition of "isolationist" or
quibbling over whether "quixotic" might be a smarmy shot is not an
effective response. He was also referred to as a "…free-thinking and strangely compelling grassroots crusader."
If you want to help Ron Paul win, a letter to Time’s editors like this will work a
lot better: "Thanks for taking notice of grass-roots crusader, Ron Paul. You’re right, he’s a great man
headed for greater things still. Keep an eye on him."
I’ve heard from Old Right conservatives who are deeply sympathetic
to Paul’s campaign who will never endorse or vote for him because they
have been flamed by ranting, sputtering Pauliacs whining about unfair
Give the "smarter-than-thou" "macho libertarian flash" a rest. It
wins no friends. It garners no support. It’s a losing strategy.
Ron Paul is a doctor. He would tell you the first rule in medicine is "Do No Harm." It’s just as true in politics.
For more on the same subject check out: Too Much of a Good Thing? A Word From NH