Obama has now been in office for 100 days. I have titled this 100 days to “100 Days of Apologies.”
Here is a recap of his “World Apology Tour.”
In his first week, Obama apologized to the world for America’s “profound irresponsibility.”
He then apologized to France for America’s arrogance.
He apologized to the Special Olympics committee for making fun of handicapped bowlers.
He apologized for his administration for calling vet’s right-wing extremists.
He apologized to Mexico for American’s demand for drugs.
And in case you missed any of Obama’s apologies that the media did not cover:
Obama apologized to…
Poland for all the Polish jokes.
baby boomers for greedy capitalists inventing 8-track tapes.
England for arrogant Americans making fun of Prince Charles’ ears.
the moon for NASA littering it with the American flag they left behind.
fat people for McDonald’s.
computer users for Windows Vista.
Canadians for making fun of… their entire country.
people of India for intolerant Americans making fun of the dot on the foreheads of Indian women.
France for American’s laughing at their military.
PETA for all the barbeque restaurants in the south.
everyone on the planet except those mean, white, male, Christians who are responsible for every evil on earth since the beginning of mankind.
What makes you think I Google’d it? :-) Did I mention he’s a Republican?
Incidentally, I agree with you about him. Buy American has been something I’ve screamed about for years! We’ve become a Wal-Mart nation full of cheap goods from China and it’s had a devastating impact on countless U.S. businesses. Not to mention the fact that it’s made the American small town virtually non-existent. This has been a problem that goes back to the ’70s.
But, there’s been nothing in place to force American stores to stock goods made in America. Likewise, the demand for cheap imports by the American people over the years has had dire consequences here at home. Nothing new under the sun here. So, how far should government and regulation go on this?
I don’t care what his laundry list of accomplishments are. I could google it too. He still pushed to have the “Buy American” clause removed along with contracting American companies for these jobs. That is a good political and career move to boost his own company and line his own pockets but not a decision that is in the best interest of Americans.
He is also a director of the Institute for International Economics in Washington, DC, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, and a director of FM Global Insurance Company in Rhode Island. Additionally, Owens is a member of The Business Roundtable in Washington, DC, and the Global Advisory Council to The Conference Board in New York. He is also a member of the Community Advisory Board of Saint Francis Medical Center and the Civic Federation Board in Peoria, IL.
Sounds like he’s had enough business experience to offer some advice on the current situation.
Oh, he also happens to be a contributior to Illinois Republican Aaron Schock’s bid for congress. Hmm, a liberal republican. Perish the thought.
Here is an example of the loop-holes in the stimulus bill. I posted this back on February 12th. This is just one example how Obama must please his advisors so that they may make more money by paying for cheaper goods and labor.
Obama advisor & CAT CEO Jim Owens had “Buy American” changed
Barack Obama is visiting a Caterpillar Inc., plant in Illinois today to push his $800 Billion stimulus bill. Caterpillar announced that it plans to cut 20,000 jobs, but that it will re-hire some of them if the stimulus bill passes.
The CEO of Caterpillar, Jim Owens is in fact one of Barack Obama’s official economic advisors and the announcement to cut 20,000 jobs and to hire some of them back if the stimulus bill passes came after a meeting between Obama and the CEO. There is nothing like a little fear to get the public behind your bill.
Not only that, but Owens was the one that complained enough to get the “Buy American Steel” provision re-worded to allow foreign steel and iron to be bought for projects funded by the stimulus bill. That was the only part of the bill that directly benefited American manufacturing and now that it was re-worded, it is meaningless. Cat doesn’t use American steel, they use steel from China and Japan.
I couldn’t agree more. I’ve been screaming about free trade agreements since the Clinton administration. And I’ve been screaming for the past 8 years. And now it looks as though I’ll be screaming for the next 4. None of this is the fault of the Obama administration but he certainly is throwing fuel on the already burning fire and not putting it out. Like the TARP. That started under the Bush administration with a bi-partisan congress vote. But Obama has spent that plus double in the first 100 days. Our economy was in the toilet before Obama got here but he surely isn’t doing anything to pull the runaway horse and carriage around.
I’m interested in specifically which “liberal” loopholes are responsible for corporations out-sourcing jobs overseas. This behavior by American corporations is certainly nothing new. Conservatives in Washington have looked the other way for years on this one.
The fact that this situation is being blamed on the current administration is yet another effort by conservative elements to erase disasters of their tenure. Offshoring didn’t just happen in the last 100 days. Where was the outrage when it started? This is quite a dilemma isn’t it? Keeping jobs from going to India would actually require regulating something wouldn’t it?
The Polish thing was pretty original. And quite funny. :-)
Thank you for your comment. However, you can’t get any more original than saying that the President apologized to Poland for Polish jokes. That obviously didn’t happen and I made it all up. So you could say- it’s pretty original. And my post before this one discussed the loss of 22,000 green jobs to India. There is not ONE main stream media including Fox that reported on that.
Mica, I like your writing but I’m still waiting for an original thought. Everything you’ve posted so far is just a regurgitation of the same tired old rhetoric from Fox News and talk radio. The GOP farts dust and everyone knows it. Let’s hear something new that doesn’t pretend the last eight years never happened.