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The Federal Budget Deficit increased by $192.3 Billion dollars just in March alone to set a new record!!!

The Obama administration estimated the March deficit would increase by $148. Billion dollars which would have be damaging enough. The March total is 4 times worse than last year’s March deficit numbers.

The yearly Federal Budget Deficit is quickly approaching $ 1 Trillion dollars and we are only half-way through the fiscal budget year which is another record. The Obama budget projects that the federal budget deficit for the entire year would be $1.75 Trillion dollars. We will easily blow by that total and may instead reach $2.5 Trillion!

The Obama budget figures and their claim that they will cut the deficit in half over the next four years is way off. There is no way that they will cut the deficit in half wiith the spending programs in his budget.

These numbers are getting too big for people to really understand just how big they really are and just how dangerous a situation we are in.

The assault continues on all fronts.


TEA anyone?

Join me, the city of Lexington Ky and 1900 cities nation-wide on Tax Day April 15th at Noon in front of the courthouse for Lexington’s TEA Party. Enough is enough Washington and we are fed up! Our voices will be heard.
Also Lexingtonians, I will be on Leland Conway 630am WLAP on Monday morning talking about the TEA Party. Please tune it.