If there is a stronger argument against universal suffrage I haven’t seen it.
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Hours: Mon-Fri 8-4:30
If there is a stronger argument against universal suffrage I haven’t seen it.
… well, I see that the US is in great shape heading into the future. Regardless of the percentages of those shown, than others that had better understanding, it is pathetic what much of the US has become. This seems to be a pretty broad sampling and good cross-section of potential future decision making. What is really amazing is that many would give what they thought to be reasonable answers??? It’s no wonder that our current crop of leaders are so ignorant and out of touch with reality… it’s scarier to think that many of these people could be breeding future ones!
I’m hoping this was extremely edited. Otherwise, why are we wasting our tax dollars supporting a failing grade Department of Education?
Goodness me, that’s frightening. Here’s a question: If the DOE has done such a great job educating us, why aren’t we better educated?
I would dearly love to know how many people got these answers right.