The U.S. Federal Government under both the Bush and Obama administrations has made it perfectly clear that in the event of almost any major disaster scenario, including economic and environmental, they see the institution of Martial Law as not only viable, but inexorable. From legislative actions like the Patriot Act and the Enemy Belligerents Act (currently in committee) to continuity of government programs such as Rex 84 (formerly classified) and Presidential Directive PDD 51 (currently classified, even from Congress), all the “legal” precedents have been put into place to allow the Executive Branch to implement military oversight of civilian affairs, dissolution of Constitutional liberties, even the end of Miranda Rights and the right to a speedy impartial trial as protected under the Sixth Amendment. In some cases, government legislation allows for the rendition and torture of American citizens as combatants, all for the “greater good”, of course…
The machinery for martial law is already in place. The real question is when, not if it will occur, and the more pressing question is will we resist it?
I think Martial Law is a real option for the US government. Will the people stand for it? Some will, they have been training the people to comply for a long time, stand in line at the airport, go through the naked xray machine, take off your shoes, step over here please, throw you dangerous lip gloss in the garbage, this is for your protection, we are doing this for your own good…
Hey! They blew up the Twin towers and got away with it. Gave away all of the bailout money and we watched the bonuses be paid while the people lost and continue to lose their homes, savings and jobs. The US is bankrupt, and the people owe more than 13 Trillion the government charged on the people credit card. Internet kill switch! The Gulf disaster is going on and on and on, and……..who the hell is in control and acting to stop that? Good question, and my answer so far is, “no one”. Clean up the spill? It is not a spill, and you can not clean up a erupting volcano!!! The puppets, the talking head with mouth moving, are controlling nothing, and giving out no conclusive factual info. It is a message in a condom, for your protection of course. You can’t handle it, don’t need to know, your going to fucken die anyway so why bother telling you… Not to mention, invading, killing, bombing and murdering people who simply are brown and living in a foreign country with natural assets that we want to steal.
Yup, the sheeple are in position for a royal fucking fuck!
Which bring us back to Martial Law. Some of us are aware, eyes wide open, we are TRUTHERS. Some of us will even be killed or “murdered” in the US while trying to save our freedom. Those brave souls who speak out will be called “Domestic Terrorists”. Some may even say that we have already been (including Hal) Domestic Terrorists, just because we had our eyes wide open, a moment of lucid clarity, and our brain was thinking of it’s own free will preforming what is known as critical thinking…. Can’t have critical thinking going on.
They will implement martial law, when the people of the Gulf are falling over dead. It is no longer a question of if, the question is, when?
UPDATE: NATO is now in charge of the GULF and apparently in charge of as much as 100 miles inland from the Gulf. Read more:
Yeah and imagine an Elephant in a China Shop..I have heard this before. Something close to this was that Rahm Emanuel was behind a National Draft. That might have been possible possible in a case of extreme war. Martial law I don’t see as happening in the U.S.A. ever. What is the point of that author’s msg? To make a statement like this is similar to all the crazy radio talk show guys. This is the one country where to impose something like this would not be a “bull in a china shop” but an “elephant in a china shop”. In some Countries similar things have happened such as Cuba or China. But this is a much different Country in a much different time. Immigrants are still trying to get into this Country. Why? Because of the freedoms that prevail. Yes, the US is going through an economic crises. However this is no time to even consider expanding Govt. This is a time to reduce. It is happening in many of the Nations States and Cities. The American people are fierce on freedom. It is what has founded this Country. To say something like Martial Law would happen is too much. It is also one of the many things that has made it so powerful in the World. Is everything perfect? No, and it could never be. There will always be something wrong. We will always question what is happening. But that we do and that we can is why something like this is too far an extreme. I don’t have blind faith. I do however believe that this Country is filled with extremely bright and industrious people that deep down value their freedoms. Innovation is one of the founding strengths of this Country that is spurred on by freedom. Advances in all fields of science still continue to happen. We create it with our ideas and it is often built by someone else that may be ruled by their govt. The point is this Country may have some dummies but it is also filled with many of the smartest and most innovative people in the world. To try and impose a law like this would be crazy.