Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) agree on foreign policy. There seems to be a shift in the Republican Party building a coalition of liberals and conservatives saying it’s time to re-evaluate the issue. These wars are either too costly or not constitutional and President Obama is in violation of the Constitution and the War Powers Act in regard to Libya and continuing the Bush policy in Iraq and Afghanistan needlessly costing military lives and causing citizen collateral damage bombing Pakistan and Yemen too.
Here is some good commentary from Conservative Columnist and Radio Talk Show host Jack Hunter about our foreign policy and a glance at some of those Republicans siding with Rand Paul and Dennis Kucinich.
We need to discard the RINOs like Graham and McCain that side with Obama and disregard our Constitution to make America’s polices fit their ideology. Interesting that one left/right alliance is crumbling while another is building.
DO you even know what RINO stands for? It is used as a slap in the face to those you don’t consider to be ideologically pure Republicans. That’s fine if you disagree with their positions, but don’t use insults which are baseless.
If you want to know what the GOP stands for, look at our platforms from the national convention. Look at our GOP Presidents (chiefs of party during their time in office). You will find that from Lincoln on down, there has been a willingness to use the military in defense of this union and her interests abroad.
McCain may not be perfect but he is a Republican through and through. GW Bush is a Republican. You sir don’t sound like one, so you should probably start calling yourself a RINO.
I’m glad people are FINALLY discussing the illegality of going to war without a declaration of war as required by our Constitution. The abuses of imperial executive power have become increasingly egregious until the invasion of Libya after consulting with the UN was the last straw. After a long series of abuses, We the People finally said “ENOUGH!” Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and now Libya. At this rate, the US military will soon be occupying Syria, Lebanon and Iran.
We have the public education on war powers by Ron Paul and Rand Paul to thank for the renewed interest in the war powers provisions of Articles I and II of our Constitution.
With that small triumph, I hope we’ll be heady with success, and go on to reclaim all of the other long abused and neglected provisions of our Constitution. May we start with a proper understanding and definition of the federal government’s role in interstate commerce and “general welfare”?