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The Kentucky Center-Right Coalition was established to develop a broad coalition of organizations and individuals to help stem the ever-encroaching role of government in our lives. This is an opportunity to let others know what your group is doing, identify areas to work together, and add support to your efforts.

When: Meetings are held the fourth Monday of each month, 6:30 to 8:00 PM.

Where:    Conference Room of the Inn on Broadway at 1301 South Broadway (next to the Campbell House and Rite Aid) in downtown Lexington.

About Kentucky Center-Right Coalition Meetings

Meetings are a series of informal presentations by right-of-center leaders and organizations to provide brief updates about current issues and activities to other like-minded individuals and organizations.

Presentations are not required to attend.

Questions on presentations are encouraged, but time for discussions will be reserved for after the meeting.

If you would like to make a presentation, please email us and let us know your topic. We will reserve three minutes for your presentation.

All presentations are strictly off the record, but printed materials are encouraged and considered public. Please bring approximately 25 hand-outs you would like to share with the coalition.

To be put on the email notification list, email us!

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