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Northern Kentucky Tea Party In Action

Independence Day Tea Events Around Kentucky:

What:  The Voices of Independence-Bullitt County Tea Party will host an Independence Day Rally with Mandy Connell as Master of Ceremonies
When:   Friday June 29th, Music, entertainment and food at 5:00PM, speakers begin at 6pm
Where:  First Street Park, Shepherdsville, KY |

What: Central Kentucky Tea Party Patriots host Pastor Michael Johnson from Lexington will be the guest speaker.  Michael is a black Pastor who has started a Tea Party group in inner city Lexington and will be sharing his experiences in Conservatism in the black community.
When:  Tuesday, July 3rd at 7:00 pm
Where:  Nolin RECC, 411 Ring Road, Elizabethtown Kentucky.

Parades In NKY:

We need riders for our floats in these parades.  Get involved and bring your children, grand children.  There is no walking required, bring a chair and ride on the float.

What:  Edgewood Parade
When:  8:45PM, July 4
Where:  KMart behind Wendy’s on Dixie Hwy.

What:  Ft. Thomas Parade
When:  9:00AM, July 4
Where:  Meet and get on float at Ft. Thomas YMCA, 1437 S Ft. Thomas Ave

What:  Ft. Mitchell Parade
When:  11:30AM–arrive before this or participate in Edgewood Parade and stay on float!
Where:  Children’s Home, Orphanage Road, Ft. Mitchell

What:  Independence Parade
When:  2:30PM, Saturday, July 7
Where:  Summit View Middle School, 5002 Madison Pike Independence

Needed: Sign Locations:

The Northern Kentucky Tea Party is in need of locations along the Interstate Highways in Kentucky to place our “End Of An Error” banners and signs. If you have a location, we have a banner. If you have a barn, existing billboard or semi-trailer along the Interstate contact us.

ObamaCare Coming to Kentucky:

Gov. Steve Beshear said he will officially create through executive order the state-run health care exchanges for uninsured Kentuckians in the wake of Thursday’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act. This is a huge mistake and a huge financial burden the Governor is placing on Kentucky.  It destroys the free markets and places us under the thumb of the socialist powers in Washington.  Come to a Tea meeting and learn more about what this means to you.  Contact your legislators and tell them to stop it from happening.

More On Agenda 21:

Have you figured out what Agenda 21 is and what it means to your freedom as an American? If you haven’t here are a couple more films to educate you about Agenda 21. These are longer versions of the explanation, but there probably is no better way to find out. Click here for a short version or for a longer more involved explanation of Agenda 21 click here.

More on Fast and Furious

Last week President Obama personally inserted himself into the Fast & Furious gun walking scandal after he extended executive privilege over certain DOJ documentation. Was the Fast & Furious a botched scandal, or a deliberate effort to undermine the Second Amendment? Watch as Bill Whittle explores the ideological motives behind the Fast & Furious scandal.

What Are You Doing To Stop Obama’s Tyranny?

It has been almost four years since Barack Obama came into office, and he is seeking a second term.  He should be in the middle of Impeachment Proceedings.  Continue reading why many believe the House of Representatives must do the job they were elected to do… PROTECT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES and start impeachment proceedings.

Supreme Court Splits on Arizona Law

“The Supreme Court on Monday rendered a split decision on Arizona’s immigration enforcement law … In a 5-3 ruling written by Justice Anthony Kennedy, the Supreme Court upheld the provision of S.B. 1070 that allowed law enforcement officers to check the immigration status of people whom they suspect of being in the country illegally.”  The Enquirer reported that State Senator John Schickel, R- Union, saw the Supreme Court’s ruling on Arizona’s immigration law as a vindication of the Arizona-style illegal immigration proposal he introduced in the General Assembly in 2011.  We need to help Senator Schickel get this bill passed.

Obama’s Misstatements

Here are some of my favorites by a former Campbell County KY, man. Click below to here Obama’s Mis-Statements of the Union.
Click here:

3rd Birthday for the Northern Kentucky Tea Party

The Northern Kentucky Tea Party will be three years old in August. We are having another celebration. It will even be bigger then the one that we had last year. The date in late August is not firmed up as yet. Stay tuned for all the details to be forth coming. Start looking and saving items for the “Silent Auction.” Get the word out, we want to outdo the attendance we had last year.

Tea Party Meetings

Visit for the dates, locations and times of Tea meetings near you.  Many other events and meetings are listed on the website.

Watch Dogs

Remember we said we are not going away but rather we are just getting started? Well here is a way you can help. We continually need people to become watchdogs. A “Watch Dog” is a person who stays up to date on a particular area of interest to that person and reports to the Tea Party. To date we have 13 volunteers. We could use   more. It tough to watch everything that goes on. Thanks so much. If you can help please contact Bryan Miller.

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