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GMO Salmon Cartoon by Robert Ariail, -- click photo to see more!The FDA is, of course, poised to okay GMO Salmon (capitalized because it will no longer be regular salmon) for the sole benefit of its sugardaddy, Monsanto. The comment period is on now — if we overwhelm them with negative comments, there’s a chance we can stop it. We’ve done it before!

Here’s how to stop GMO Salmon:

1. Click here to go to the FDA comment page. If that one does not work, try this one from the action alert page.

2. Fill in your information. Your organization is “Citizen” and your category is “Individual Consumer” (found at the bottom of the list. Out of alphabetical order. Like an afterthought.)

3. Make your comments, short and sweet or detailed.

4. Comments must include the docket #:
Docket FDA-2011-N-0899

5. Click Submit and you are done! NOTE: A reader just notified me that the “Submit” button on the FDA site is not working. If you have that same problem, let me know and I will alert the Farm to Consumer legal team.

6. Please share this and encourage your friends and family to do the same. Use the social media buttons to the left or copy and paste the url and email to friends.

That’s it! Thank you.

My Comments to the FDA re: GMO Salmon:

Docket FDA-2011-N-0899

It is profoundly irresponsible and disturbing that an agency charged with protecting the safety of our food suply would even consider approving a genetically engineered food animal for commercial production and sale without independent, long-term studies on its health effects in people!

Not to mention the devastation of our wild salmon population should even one of these GE salmon escape, an event which is far more likely than not.

The FDA is charged with putting human health, the environment, and the economic well-being of coastal fishing communities before those of big business.

In light of this fact, it is obligated to delay approval of GE salmon until the results of independent scientific studies show that genetically engineered fish is safe to eat and harmless to the environment.

The Single Most Effective Action You Can Take to Stop GMO Salmon:

Make sure your grocery store knows you will no longer be purchasing salmon of any kind ever again should this pass, for two reasons:

1. Without labeling, it will be impossible to know what is GMO Salmon and what is not. And…

2. Should any of the GMO Salmon escape into the wild — which is almost a certainty since they are persistent and slippery — the world’s salmon will be tainted forever.

 Don't Buy GMO Salmon. Hit 'em where it hurts.