The Kentucky Free State Project has been zeroing in on its Wish List for the Kentucky legislature. The goal is to participate in creating legislation that is in keeping with the U.S. and KY Constitutions. The “how” is to educate our legislators BEFORE bills are proposed!
This is a work in progress. Let us know your thoughts, suggestions and how you’d like to participate!
Details on all issues are below in alphabetical order.
Kentucky Free State Project Issues
1. 2nd Amendment
2. Hemp
3. Budget
4. Obamacare
5. Police State
6. Agenda 21
7. Farm Food Freedom
8. Discharge petitions
9. Parental Rights
10. Property Rights
Need to Get/Keep the Conversation Going:
- Constitutional laws
- Pensions: legislators and others
- Sheriff elections and support
- Special Sessions Pay
- State Income Tax
Back Burner Issues for Now:
- Abortion
- End the Fed
- Regulations
- Snitch laws
- Sovereignty
Details on the Issues
2nd Amendment
#1 Priority because without it, we have no rights. GOAL: Pass “Constitutional Carry” in 2014. To work on this issue, contact Liberty4Ever.
#3 Priority GOAL: Online in plain language at START of legislative session. Budget passed first, THEN other bills get considered. No budget no pay no kidding. Those budgets passed in secret? Null and void! To work on this issue, contact David or Sally.
Agenda 21
GOAL: Pass anti-Agenda 21 bill in 2014. SB 80, sponsored by Senators John Schickel and Robin Webb in 2013, passed Senate, died in Hse State Gov comm. Need companion bill in House. To work on this issue, contact Frank.
Constitutional Laws
GOAL: All laws must be KY/US Constitution verified and must state which section of US/KY Constitution applies. Summary of intent must be written at beginning of bill. All laws are NOT forever: 3 year sunset clause. To work on this issue, contact David or Sally.
Discharge petitions
GOAL: Keep it simple and strong. Legislators must be able to force a vote in a committee! Otherwise, committee chairs literally RUN Kentucky. Uh uh. To work on this issue, contact David.
Farm Food Freedom
To work on Farm Food Freedom issues, contact Sally.
- Bees: bees are KY’s state agricultural insect. GOAL: ban robobees in KY. Resolution enforcing KY’s love of bees.
- Cottage Food: Must simplify this law — it’s ridiculously prohibitive. GOAL: Farmers can sell without permits or inspections. Farm food freedom activists in other states are working on this very thing with much success.
- Farming: Nullify all federal regulations on small farmers. Kentucky’s small farmers are under KY jurisdiction first.
- GMO: Resolution against GMO crops
- Importing Food: Resolution adding “KY First” to the KY Proud. We have KY farmers growing good food, let’s eat that over imports!
- USDA: Nullify it. They do not help us, they only enslave farmers and help big ag. Need to get that conversation going out loud.
#2 Priority GOAL: grow it already. Put state on notice we are out of patience. Both federal bills to divorce hemp from marijuana are languishing in committee since 2/6. To work on this issue, contact David or Sally.
GOAL: no, no, NO. David Adams is suing Beshear. To follow this, read up here. To work on this issue, contact David.
Parental Rights
To work on Parental Rights issues, contact Sally.
- Homeschooling Freedom: Some states are “notify” states. Parents tell the state you are homeschooling and that’s the end of it. Parents have the right to school their children without oversight or interference from the state.
- Vaccinations: Stop HB 358 ( which requires HPV vaccination of all 6th grade girls (9-16) and boys (10-16). Requires written statement to withhold consent from parents/guardians, for any reason, must be kept on file with other immunization certificates. (Passed House, died in Senate) BAD bill, needs to be stopped and never brought up again.
- Vaccine Exemptions: These must remain strong in KY.
- ME legislator introduces bill to require vac ingredients be given to parents as well as a strong opt-out for philosophical/religious reasons: Want that here. Restrictions need to be on the corporations, NOT the parents!
- CPS: Cannot take child unless state can PROVE imminent danger. CPS employees can be sued personally for using threats and intimidation. NO more bonuses for placing children for adoption who have been taken from Kentucky homes. Children taken from Kentucky homes for ANY reason STAY in Kentucky until situation is completely resolved.
Pensions legislators
GOAL: Repeal legislator pensions past and present. To work on this issue, contact Sally.
Police State
To work on Police State issues, contact Ginny, David or Sally.
- Drones: Not in KY. Unarmed only. “Evidence” found during warrantless searches not admissable. BR1 Citizens’ Freedom from Unwarranted Surveillance Act ( filed for 2014 session by Onge.
- Drug War: End no-knock warrants unless actual threat of imminent danger. SWAT not necessary to serve warrants on businesses operating in broad daylight unless threat of imminent danger. One officer can easily serve a warrant on a business. If warrant includes confiscation, officers must follow the law and can be held personally liable for operating outside the law (i.e., all confiscated items must be inventoried individually, handled carefully, wrapped protectively and must be returned in the condition it was in when seized.)
- Drug Paraphermalia: Leave it alone. Owens 2013 bill goes in exactly the wrong direction. In PA, a 13yo boy died after smoking drugs in a Pez dispenser because paraphernalia is illegal. Prohibition doesn’t work. OR: make if very specific: must have drug residue, list drugs that apply: heroin, meth, crack, no mj.
- Medical MJ: Pass it. It’s medicine and no more of a drug than morphine, codeines, etc. and far far safer!
- TSA/DHS: Out of KY’s airports, out of KY, and never, ever on our streets.
- FIJA — Bill like in NH: judges must inform juries of its obligation to nullify bad laws.
Property Rights
To work on Property Rights issues, contact Sally.
- Eminent Domain: Reform and limit. TX
- No trespass without warrant. IJ case in MN: nullification of SCOTUS ruling allowing trespass.
- Prevent State/City/County government from infringing on the property rights of business owners (aka smoking bans)
- Animal Owner: stop interference laws, forced vaccinations, etc. There are already laws against trespass and harm.
- Smart meters: We need opt-out NOW while PSC is pondering opt-outs
Sheriff elections
GOAL: Non-partisan. Resolution protecting Sheriffs. Sheriffs’ powers being undermined in many states and counties, including Kentucky. To work on this issue, contact Sally.
Special Sessions
GOAL: No pay for special sessions. To work on this issue, contact Sally.
State Income Tax
GOAL: Get rid of it. KY is not competitive! To work on this issue, contact Sally.
Back Burner for Now:
Abortion: Partial birth abortion already a felony in KY. tough issue to tackle, not the time under Beshear.
End the Fed: GOAL: KY a bitcoin safe haven from feds. Legal tender resolution like AZ: (even though Jan vetoed:
Regulations: Review of regulations and a decent burial for most. Much of this to be addressed under other topics.
Snitch laws: May need to wait and react strongly to a proposed KY bill. Palm Beach:
Sovereignty: No more federal bosses. Once we are successful nullifying federal laws, this will fall into place. 10th Amendment and nullification are topics legislators need to hear from us: we are ready.