Stefan offers an equally excellent followup to the Bundy Ranch Standoff:
[The Bundy Ranch Standoff] is what the gov calls “an attempt to resolve the matter administratively and judicially.” Which is: give us all your cattle which we will sell to pay the fines we imposed upon you to save a tortoise that we are currently murdering ourselves or we will shoot your family.
This is called a resolution of a dispute on the part of the government.
I guess it’s the same way that a bully in the schoolyard resolves the dispute over your lunch money by punching you in the face and telling you to hand it over. “Oh, look, a resolution.”
— Stefan Molyneux
The government just wants to put ranchers/farmers out of business. This morning on the news the United States Fish and Wildlife are wanting to list the prairie chicken to the threatened species list which will effect farmers/ranchers in the states of Colorado, Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. Do we want to depend on other countries for our food? They don’t even think of the long term effect for producing food to feed the people in the world. This is just another tactic to add to their list. We need to stand behind the Bundy’s and let the government know that they work for us WE THE PEOPLE.