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matt bevin on cockfighting
Matt Bevin on Cockfighting:

“A month ago, I was invited to Corbin to discuss my candidacy at an event where folks had gathered to address various states’ rights issues.

“I am genuinely sorry that my attendance at an event which, other than my comments, appears to have primarily involved a discussion of cockfighting, has created concern on the part of many Kentucky voters. I understand that concern.

“I am not and have never been, a supporter of cockfighting or any other forms of animal cruelty.

“I am, however, a strong supporter of states’ rights. Regardless of any personal views on this issue, animal rights are not an enumerated power granted to the federal government under the Constitution. Such decisions should be left to each state to decide.

“I made the decision to speak at the gathering in Corbin because I support our 10th Amendment rights, not because I support or condone every topic discussed at the event,” said Matt Bevin.

EDITOR’S QUESTION: What has Mitch done about cockfighting in 30 years? If he’s been determined to get rid of it like he’s been determined to help Kentucky’s coal miners… thanks but no thanks. Kentucky can do without anymore of Mitch’s help.

It’s time for a committed, constitutional conservative to lead Kentucky into the future: Matt Bevin is that leader.
