From Katie Moyer, #MattBevin2014 Campaign Director in Western KY:
Weekends in Western Kentucky have been gloriously busy this month! U.S. Senate candidate Matt Bevin was out in Western KY several times for dinners, church service, and a Meet the Candidate picnic in Paducah!<
The upcoming weekend will be ripe with activity, both on the ground level with our volunteers, and on the campaign trail with Matt’s “New Generation of Leadership” Bus Tour.
Matt and his family are traveling the state on a whistle-stop tour, and will make quick stops in every region of the state. We are in the final days of the primary election, and this is the lead up to the BIG PUSH!!!
Keep an eye on the page for any new updates regarding the Bus Tour!
Matt Bevin Super Saturday this weekend!
Super Saturday is a volunteer effort where supporters get together and spend the day walking precincts, making phone calls, putting out signs and sign waving. It’s a fun way to wrap up any campaign season, and although we are all hard at work every day, Saturday will be a big push all over the state.
Our Western KY Super Saturday May 17th will originate in Paducah at the “Get Out the Vote” Headquarters, stationed in Lone Oak, a suburb of Paducah. The address is 246 N Friendship Rd, and it is located directly across the street from Lone Oak Elementary.
It’s on a popular road, so be careful of all the traffic, but come in any time from 8:30AM-8PM daily. If you have questions, call me (Katie Moyer) at 270-305-4057.
The past few weekends in Western KY have been a blur of campaign stops and volunteer activity!
Last weekend we opened the Paducah HQ as part of our Get Out the Vote effort! We’ve had volunteers in and out of the office constantly, and many of our local volunteers have spearheaded the effort to keep the HQ staffed, making phone calls, decorating, and walking precincts.
Two weekends ago Matt made a trip out to Paducah, which really set the tone for opening up the HQ. Two of our fantastic volunteers opened up their home to a slew of people who wanted to come out and meet Matt, many for the first time. There were a lot of people who showed up to the picnic skeptical of Matt and unsure of who to vote for. Needless to say, we gave out a TON of yard signs to these people, as they were swayed by Matt’s outstanding show of leadership and passion for this cause.
Matt and his family were the last to leave the Meet N Greet. They stayed around until sundown, allowing Matt plenty of time to play with the huge mob of kids who came with their parents. There were roughly 60 adults who turned out to hear Matt speak in Paducah, but what was really amazing to watch was the 25+ kids who were running rampant across a gorgeous 5 acre spread. They skipped rocks, ate lots of great food, played soccer, and climbed trees. What a wonderful way for the family to spend a Sunday
The previous weekend, Matt attended several Lincoln Dinners for a fast paced trip to Western KY!
We started Friday with a tour of Hawesville to meet with voters, and allow Matt some face-to-face interview time in the area. He knocked out several radio and newspaper interviews in Hawesville and Owensboro before heading to the Daviess County Lincoln Dinner.
The Daviess County Republicans turned out a huge crowd, and the dinner was fantastic. Matt addressed the crowd as their first speaker and did an outstanding job, before grabbing his meal and heading out the door to get to the Christian County Patriot Dinner on time. Having to travel from one dinner to another didn’t stop him from pulling over and planting a few yard signs on the way.
In Christian County, we made it just in time for Matt to be the final speaker (aka headliner) for their Patriot Dinner. He was already fired up from speaking in Owensboro and presented his campaign effort to Republicans in Christian County.
I even ran into two Republicans later that week who, when I handed them a Bevin flyer, said that they had heard Matt speak at that dinner and told me how impressed they were. They also mentioned more than once how badly we need to replace our current Senator with a fresh leader who isn’t afraid to stand up to Barack Obama. This is the sentiment among all voters of Kentucky. I’ve traveled around all of Western Kentucky from Glasgow to Bardstown to Owensboro and Paducah and everywhere in between. I keep hearing the same thing over and over.
“30 years is just too long.”
“He’s running against Mitch? It’s about time someone replaced him!”
“We need NEW LEADERSHIP in the Senate!”
“Mitch McConnell?? That guy needs to go!”
It’s time we do something about it! This is our moment, this is our chance to turn the tables on the vipers in Washington who sell our children’s livelihoods to the Wall Street Bankers. This is our chance to stop legislation that causes jobs to be shipped overseas and leaves our families unemployed.
This is the push back against NAFTA, TARP, the EPA, the FDA, and all the alphabet bureaucracies that are strangling the work ethic out of our people. We have the opportunity to send another strong leader to the U.S. Senate to help fix the broken system under which we struggle. This is OUR CHANCE to send another Constitutional Conservative to Washington!
Please help out however you can! If you haven’t done so already, get that Bevin sign out in your yard. Call all of your neighbors and family members and if you’ve already done that, then please consider making some Phone From Home calls to other Republicans in your county.
There is still much to do and there are many ways to help. For more information or to get involved, give me (Katie Moyer) a call any time at 270-305-4057.