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KY Mom: Why I’m Voting for Matt Bevin for GovernorBy Laura Van Hoose

I do not consider myself to be a “political person.” In a nutshell, I am a busy mom of two active boys, a first grade teacher, a youth pastor’s wife, serve on committees at school and church, a soccer coach, and active in my church. In the rare occasion that I have some “free” time to watch television or surf the Internet, I am usually mindlessly watching Dancing With the Stars, reruns of Friends, or sometimes a more heavy Criminal Minds – not watching the news or reading about world issues.

I have been known in years past to make calls from the local GOP office – reminding people to vote. I put an occasional bumper sticker on my car for presidential or state candidates. I try to always exercise my freedom to vote when I have the opportunity. I read up on candidates and listen to important debates, but I am not regularly engrossed in politics, by any means.

That being said, around a year ago, I learned that this guy named Matt Bevin (who was running against Mitch McConnell) would be at a local restaurant for a meet and greet. This night just so happened to coincide with a fund raiser for my children’s school at the same restaurant, so I considered it to be a win-win situation – whether I liked him or not. Upon meeting Matt, he shared about his faith openly without being asked and spoke to our family (including our boys) like we were old friends. He didn’t just spit a political message at us and move on to the next table. He listened to everything we said/asked. He was REAL – unlike any political candidate on this scale I had ever met. It was at that moment that he had my support simply for his amazing character – 110%. We almost immediately became active volunteers in his Senate campaign. When he entered the race for governor, I was excited to once again have the chance to serve on his campaign.

Yes, you may get tired of my posts, photos, and shares about Matt. You may avoid me when you see me out. You may think I’ve become a political nut who will just bug you about someone else after this election.

However, this is not the case at all. I believe in Matt Bevin and what he can do for our state as Governor. He is unapologetically a Christian man who bases his values and his decisions on his faith. He was raised in a home that was anything but wealthy. He worked his way through college and served our great Nation through the US Army. He has built (and saved) businesses from the ground up. He is just like any of us – a REAL person, not a career politician. As the father of 9 beautiful children, he worries about the future of our state and country because it greatly affects his family. He is the only candidate in the race that presented a clear plan – “Blueprint for a Better Kentucky” – detailing for the voters upfront what he hopes to accomplish as Governor.

I am asking that you please consider voting for Matt Bevin and Jenean Hampton in the Kentucky Republican primary on May 19th and help us spread the word! EVERY single vote counts! Check him out at mattbevin (.com) Please feel free to contact me with questions by leaving a comment below. I will do my best to answer them or steer you in the right direction.

I wear my Matt Bevin for Governor button and display my bumper sticker with pride! ‪#‎TeamBevin‬