“Matt Bevin for Governor of Kentucky!” – Judge Napolitano (1)
Since the Judge has come out for Matt Bevin, I’m coming out of my shell. You don’t get more “Constitutional Conservative” than Judge Napolitano! Here are the reasons why I’m voting for Matt Bevin.
Who is Matt Bevin?
In last year’s Senate race, Matt Bevin challenged 30-year incumbent Mitch McConnell, one of the most deeply entrenched, immoral and powerful men in Congress. Matt took him on and the TEA party roared its approval.
Matt stepped up to that plate not because he wants to be a politician, but because he knows Kentucky can do better. As a principled and monumentally successful businessman, Matt knew he’d do a better job for Kentucky, particularly where his skill set is most needed: business expertise and the backbone to stand up to the feds.
Yes, backbone. Despite McConnell’s multi-million dollar attack campaign against him, Matt didn’t back down, didn’t attack back, didn’t change his message, never gave up an inch. He got the backing of serious Conservatives all over the country… and he got 35% of the vote from Kentuckians. Impressive.
Matt worked his way up from nothing to everything on his own, no family help, no political favors, completely on his own. Matt has started, then either sold or continues to own, some of the most successful businesses any of us have ever seen. That’s plural: businesses.
He has personally created so many jobs that he spends millions in payroll and benefits every year. One of his companies is waiting on FDA approval for a medical device that will change people’s lives.
Of particular interest to Kentuckians: in 2003, Matt started what is now a multi-billion dollar (billion with a B) asset and pension management firm in his basement. Kentucky could use a little help in this area from someone who has direct hands-on experience in the field!
Bevin is a veteran, having spent 4 years at Washington & Lee on an ROTC scholarship, then 4 years on active duty where he earned the rank of Captain. His Lt. Governor, Jenean Hampton, is also a veteran. Both are strong 2nd Amendment supporters and own concealed carry permits.
In his spare time, Matt and his wife Glenna have 9 kids.
On the Issues
To read Matt’s “Blueprint for Kentucky,” please visit his website at MattBevin.com.
The two top issues facing Kentuckians are the looming debt and pension crisis, and the economy (read “JOBS”). Kentucky’s next Governor must advocate:
- ending the war on coal and getting our miners back to work;
- standing up to regulators in all alphabet agencies and putting them back in their constitutionally-limited boxes;
- freeing entrepreneurs and small businesses from burdensome regulations so they can open new doors and flourish;
- attracting new business and industry to the state;
- creating private-sector JOBS!
Matt Bevin advocates for all of these!
All four candidates are pro-Right to Work which is required if we want new businesses to settle in KY. And all four have said they will stand up to the EPA, asserting state’s rights, to bring KY coal back to life.
The question is: which candidate is most likely to see that challenge through when the going gets tough?
Matt’s life history and business experience prove he has the courage, commitment and strength of will to do just that.
Matt is one of a handful of candidates in KY history, besides Rand Paul, Thomas Massie and Phil Moffett, to talk about using state’s rights and the 10th Amendment to free KY from the grip of the feds. He spoke about it openly during his Senate run. At one rally, the audience gleefully fought over which alphabet agency should go first. Clearly, the EPA is top of that hit list.
“Bevin has some legitimate competition in the Republican Primary in May, but none that have his breadth of real-world, private-sector experience in dealing directly with issues that Kentucky must confront.” – Chris Skates (2)
Kentucky is in a deep financial hole, with its pension obligation at $109Billion. According to the Pew Foundation, that’s $18,000+ for each man, woman and child in the state. (3)
Matt Bevin is the only candidate with the know-how and direct hands-on experience to manage such an extraordinary debt. Not only did he found and run a now multi-billion dollar asset and pension management firm, he’s brought failing businesses back to prosperity!
None of his opponents on either side of the aisle can touch this record. In fact, his closest R opponent actually voted his way into a taxpayer-funded pension while working as a legislator.
Besides spending millions every year on salaries and benefits for jobs he personally created, Matt’s business acumen is so strong, he was chosen by the J. Lawrence Connolly Center for Entrepreneurship to be a Judge of student business plans. (4)
Read his qualifications below, then compare them with every other candidate for governor in this year’s race:
With more than 20 years of experience in management, investment consulting, and marketing, Matt most recently served as Chief Executive and Principal of Integrity Asset Management, an investment firm with over $3.7 billion under management that he founded in 2003. The firm was sold in December of 2010.
Matt is the founder of, or lead investor in, numerous other start-ups including Correct Building Products, Legacyit.com, Neuronetrix, Golden Rule Signs, Veracity Funds, Academic Merit, Heart and Soul Candies, etc. Additionally, he is the owner and sixth generation president of Bevin Bros Mfg Company, (5) a Connecticut based bell maker founded in 1832.
He is a 2008 graduate of the EO/MIT Entrepreneurial Masters Program (6) (formerly known as Birthing of Giants) and has been a Regional Finalist for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Companies he has founded have three times been named to the Inc 500 (most recently #47). Matt currently serves on a number of non-profit and corporate boards.
None of his opponents come even close. One has attracted jobs via real estate development, one has no job creation experience and one has failed at both small business attempts.
Even his opponents’ supporters admit the incontrovertible fact that Matt Bevin has the best running mate in the field! Jenean Hampton is qualified in her own right.
She is a veteran, a businesswoman and recently ran for the Kentucky General Assembly with full TEA Party support. You can read her bio at MattBevin.com.
She and Matt share the same values and vision for Kentucky. No shrinking violet, expect Jenean to be a fully participating member of the Bevin administration!
Matt and Jenean are 100% against Common Core and will work diligently to remove it from our schools.
One of his first actions in office will be to overturn the science and social studies standards via EO (Executive Order). Beshear’s EO is how they were allowed in KY in the first place. Matt will reverse that.
His opponents all want to wait for the legislature to overturn Common Core Standards. This will be at least two years down the road, if not more. Are we willing to submit our children to two more years of brainwashing?
Matt even advocates FOR home school.
We are looking at COMPLETE school choice, folks!
OBAMACARE (in his own words)
Click the play button in the center of the image below to hear Matt talk about Obamacare, how he will dismantle Kynect and stop the Medicaid expansion:
Both Matt Bevin and his running mate Jenean Hampton support the Second Amendment and respect its original purpose of self-protection.
Both candidates have Concealed Carry Permits.
Both Matt and Jenean are veterans, having served honorably in our Military Forces.
When I asked, Bevin said that if the Kentucky General Assembly passed a medical Cannabis bill, he would sign it, that medical treatment is between a doctor and patient. The “between a doctor and a patient” is of critical importance. Matt understands that this is ultimately a medical question to be decided by doctors, not a legislative question to be decided by politicians.
He also spoke quite openly during the Senate run against the failed drug war and the nation’s out-of-control prison population.
Only one of his opponents, Jamie Comer, said he would sign a medical Cannabis bill. Neither Heiner nor Scott would.
I told Matt about the Wyoming Food Freedom bill that just passed.(7) Today in Wyoming (as in a few other states like TX and CA), you can bake a pie and sell it to your neighbor or a stranger from a food stand or your house with NO inspections, NO license, NO regulation, NO forced march to a class on how to wash your hands.
I asked would he support that in KY? He said absolutely — he’s all for the complete freedom to do your thing and sell it. In fact, Jenean said her mom used to make pound cake and sell it to neighbors!
I asked Matt directly if he thought the state’s #1 priority is to protect me from myself. He immediately answered with an emphatic, “No!” From the many conversations I’ve had with Matt, it’s clear that he completely understands personal liberty.
He knows the state’s #1 priority is to protect each and every person’s individual liberty, not our individual bodies. Personally, this is one of my top reasons for being on #TeamBevin.
Matt is a devoted family man with nine children, a devout Christian whose faith informs his decisions, a business man and entrepreneur who has created hundreds of jobs in Kentucky.
Matt and Jenean have developed the “Blueprint for Kentucky,” a plan for moving Kentucky out of joblessness and bankruptcy and into prosperity; for securing Kentucky’s Sovereignty, protecting us from D.C. abuses (including Obamacare and Common Core!), and guarding our 2nd Amendment rights.
You can go to this web address (a video on Facebook) to hear Matt talk about his passion and reasons for running for Governor: http://bit.ly/bevinkygov
Friends, we are at a turning point in Kentucky. The next Governor will make or break this great Commonwealth, no fooling around. Matt Bevin is the only candidate with the experience, skills, integrity and courage required of the job. That is why I’m voting for Matt Bevin.
- (1) Judge Napolitano on Matt Bevin: http://www.mattbevin.com/news/2015/3/12/judge-andrew-napolitano-praises-matt-bevin
- (2) Chris Skates on the #KyGov race: http://www.westkentuckystar.com/News/Local-Regional/McCracken-County/Skates-When-Will-Kentucky-Commit.aspx
- (3) Pew Foundation on KY debt: http://www.pewtrusts.org/~/media/legacy/uploadedfiles/pcs_assets/2012/PewKentuckyPensionChallengespdf.pdf
- (4) Matt chosen as a distinguished judge of student business plans: http://entrepreneurship.wlu.edu/competitions/distinguished-judges/
- (5) Bevin Brothers Bell Manufacturers: http://bevinbells.com
- (6) Entrepreneur Masters Program: http://events.eonetwork.org/emp/
- (7) Wyoming Food Freedom bill: http://www.farmtoconsumer.org/news_wp/?p=17846
Such a great content,I like this.Thank you so much.
I just want to put it out there that states that have legalized marijuana recreationally have seen a decrease in crime rates, a decrease in domestic violence and a decrease in motor vehicle accident rates as well as DUI’s.
Bevins has great plans but if he does not advocate the legalization of marijuana, besides just for medical purposes he is no different from the rest of the candidates and it saddens me that he has been elected into office with such a closed mind. People should become more educated on this subject before they make remarks or decisions based upon it.
I’m with you 100%. I suspect — and maybe this is just wishful thinking — that Matt is open to the idea from a liberty point of view. From a reality standpoint, though, any GOP candidate who came out for legalization during a campaign would be committing political suicide. Let’s see how this goes with him in office.
Before Cannabis can become legal, med or rec, it has to get through the KY general assembly. That’s where our lobbying efforts need to be made. And medical is our only hope in the Bible belt right now, forget rec. Not because Christians aren’t supportive of medical Cannabis — I believe they are. But until their puritanical reps know this, the official rhetoric will remain puritanical. Make sure all your Christian friends send a quick email to both their House and Senate reps advocating for medical Cannabis. When those reps are positive their voters approve, that could sway things considerably.
I will vote for Matt Bevin in the Primary Election and, should he win the bid for the GOP, I’ll vote for him for Governor. I believe he has plans in place to do some great things for the Kentucky economy. However, I am puzzled as to the medical marijuana thing. We used to live in California, and they will sell marijuana to you if you stub your toe! It is way out of control and people use the “medical” excuse to buy, sell, and use it, to the detriment of society. PET Scans of the brains of Alzheimer patients look the same as the scans of those who smoke pot. It’s destructive, addictive, and I have personally seen it take away a person’s desire to work or do anything productive. Marijuana ruined the lives of some of my schoolmates from the 1970’s. Do your homework, Mr. Bevin, on states that have legalized marijuana. How is it working out for the unemployment rate, crime rate, family stability, or substance induced motor vehicle accident rate?
He does not advocate for legalization. He understands that there are drugs that help sick people and that a patient’s treatment is up to a knowledgeable, experienced physician.
Everyone shares your concerns and nobody wants to see this law abused, if it ever passes the KY legislature. The Medical Cannabis bills that have been put forth have been written very narrowly and strictly.
Medical Cannabis is an important issue to ME, not to Matt. So I asked him the question and he answered it honestly, even though he knows there are people out there that feel as you do. This is what I truly appreciate about Matt Bevin: he answers honestly no matter what people might think. I have no doubt he will listen to your concerns as Governor! He is interested in facts on every topic!!!
“PET Scans of the brains of Alzheimer patients look the same as the scans of those who smoke pot.”
Absolutely FALSE. Where did you hear that nonsense!?!?!
There are a few websites out there with some outrageous and unsupportable claims about pot. I’ve heard that one before… ridiculous.
You always put my thoughts into words!!! Even ones I don’t know I have yet. That is so true: we don’t need more of what’s not working in Frankfort.
Matt is a great guy and I think he will make a great governor. Some people might criticize him for not having political experience, but I think that’s a HUGE benefit. We don’t need more of what’s not working in Frankfort.
I’m still mad that the RPK foisted David Williams and Richie Farmer on us in the last gubernatorial race in 2011. They really had to try hard to find candidates who could lose against a fairly unpopular Steve Beshear, but they managed with a corrupt and despised bully and a felon. Well played, RPK. We should have had Phil Moffett and Mike Harmon. In Beshear’s second term, he stuck us with Obamacare by executive decree and Common Core by executive decree, and our spineless general assembly let him do it.