I know it sounds like I made up a terribly inflammatory headline… but it’s not JUST inflammatory. It’s true, the Girod indictment is below.
This post explains the Girod indictment.
For a condensed version of the story, click here.
For a more detailed version plus links to documents, click here.
Sam’s indictment is long because the gov likes to pad the bill so the defendant will be terrified into taking a plea. A plea is a win for the gov and that’s what it’s after: a win, not justice.
Remember, folks, we are talking about a Chickweed Salve here along with two other equally benign, non-drug products that thousands of people over the past 20 years (including yours truly and many locals) have used to good effect.
That fact alone begs the question: is the purpose of this prosecution to protect the public or to punish those citizens who don’t kneel at the pointy end of a bureaucrat’s pen?
The FDA vs Kentucky Amish Farmer Samuel A. Girod
Case: 5:15-cr-00087 GRAND JURY CHARGES (click here to download a pdf of the indictment)
- 1-16 are BACKGROUND.
- 17-44 are the COUNTS (charges)
- My notes are indented and in italics.
- Total possible prison time is 58 years + 10 more for not showing up to a status hearing.
1. Defendant SAMUEL A. GIROD operated an establishment at 409 Satterfield Lane, Owingsville, KY 40360, which is in Bath County, in the Eastern District of Kentucky. This establishment, which did business under various names, including “Satterfield Naturals”, “S.A.E.G.”, and “A.M.S. Associates”, manufactured and marketed products for the treatment of various ailments, including skin disorders, cancer, and sinus infections.
NOTES: The use of the words “treatment” and “cancer” are why Sam’s labels were a problem. WERE. He changed the labels and now they are fine. Why is this even on the indictment?
Sam’s products are effective and have never hurt anyone. And, if they have hurt anyone, prove it — as is required under Common Law — and Sam can make restitution.
Honestly, if one person was harmed* in 20+ years of thousands of people using Sam’s products, that’s an awesome track record. Why don’t we compare that to Big Pharma’s drug safety record? Even aspirin kills 11 people a year. Every. Single. Year. Not only that, a person dies every 19 minutes from an FDA-approved pharmaceutical. And then there’s this: http://bit.ly/deathbydoctor
* The FDA claims to have such a person which is how it got the injunction mentioned below… although that person was never named, not even in the court proceeding getting the injunction! Plus — are you sitting down? — the black salve that supposedly hurt the victim wasn’t even Sam’s salve. Yeah, let that sink in.
2. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. § 301 et seq. (“FDCA”), existed to protect the health and safety of the American public by regulating the manufacture and distribution of all drugs shipped or received in interstate commerce. The Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) was the federal agency charged with enforcing the FDCA.
NOTES: First of all, NONE of Sam’s products contain any drugs. Zero. The FDA tested all his products and confirmed that there are no drugs in his products!
While the FDA/FDCA can make labeling demands, they can’t accuse Sam of a crime having to do with manufacture or distribution of drugs if there aren’t any drugs in it. Once Sam changed his label to comply and once there were no drugs found in the ANY of the products, the FDA lost whatever jurisdiction it claimed. Yet they persist… why is this allowed?
3. The FDCA required persons who owned or operated an establishment engaged in the manufacture, preparation, propagation, compounding, or processing of a drug to register annually with the FDA. See 21 U.S.C. §§ 360(b)(l), (c)(l). Every establishment in which a drug was manufactured, processed, packed, or held, for introduction into interstate commerce or after such introduction was subject to inspection by the FDA. See 21 U.S.C. §§ 360(h)(l) and 374. GIROD did not register his establishment with the FDA.
NOTES: No drugs so no requirement to register the establishment (which, by the way, is the Girod home).
4. GIROD manufactured and distributed a product called “Chickweed Healing Salve.” This product typically bore labeling claiming that the product was “[g]ood for skin disorders. Dry skin, cuts, burns, draws, and poison ivy.” In many cases, GIROD also distributed sales pamphlets touting the product’s effectiveness in treating skin cancer, diaper rash, fungus infections, and various other skin ailments.
NOTES: Per FDA demands, Sam changed his product labels for everything sold to the public. He even took the word “healing” off, so this is a moot point. Why is this mentioned?
5. GIROD manufactured and distributed a product called “TO-MOR-GONE.” This product typically bore labeling identifying the product as a “black salve” and a “natural herbal remedy.” In many cases, GIROD also distributed sales pamphlets touting the product’s effectiveness in removing warts, moles, and other skin growths, and stating: “TO-MOR-GONE is very good at removing tumors.” GIROD used an extract of the bloodroot plant (Sanguiniaria Canadensis) in TO-MOR-GONE. This ingredient was an escharotic agent, meaning that it had a caustic, corrosive effect on human skin.
NOTES: Again, he changed the label when told to do so. Bloodroot is not a drug, either, btw. It’s a PLANT used for thousands of years for HEALING purposes. Like a lot of other plants.
Yes, bloodroot can have a caustic, corrosive effect on human skin, but that’s why we use it, lol. Bloodroot cures skin cancer because it burns off the cells. It’s also a drawing compound so it pulls the cancer cells to the surface, then kills them. People even take the stuff internally.
And it’s legal, sold all over the world. Google it.
I and many of my friends have used bloodroot for years for small skin cancers, moles, small growths. Works like a charm and doesn’t leave a scar. Amazing stuff. I got mine (before I knew Sam) from altcancer.com formulated by Greg Caton, the first guy the FDA put in jail for bloodroot products (scroll down the altcancer.com page for that info).
6. GIROD manufactured and distributed a product called “R.E.P.” This product typically bore labeling that instructed the consumer as follows: “For sinus infection, put on forehead and cheeks. For breath freshener put drop on tongue.” In many cases, GIROD also distributed sales pamphlets touting the product’s effectiveness in treating sinus infections, cold symptoms, and sore throats.
NOTES: Again, Sam took all the healing claims out of his literature for all products sold to the public.
Sine Eze (the new name for R.E.P.) is amazing, by the way, a blend of essential oils. Love the stuff. Seriously. This has been sold for over 20 years, no drugs in it, Sam took all the healing claims out of the literature… where’s the beef?
7. The FDCA defined a “drug” as an article that was: (a) intended for use in the diagnosis. cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man; and/or (b) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man. See 21 U.S.C. § 321(g)(l)(B) and (C). Chickweed Healing Salve, TO-MOR-GONE, and R.E.P., were “drugs,” as defined within the FDCA.
NOTES: When Sam removed the offending language, those products were no longer able to be classified as drugs by the FDCA. Again, the products were all tested by the FDA and no drugs were found.
8. The FDCA prohibited the introduction or delivery for introduction into interstate commerce (or the causing thereof) of any drug that was misbranded. See 21 U.S.C. § 33 l(a).
NOTES: Not drugs, branding corrected, no longer subject to FDCA/FDA regulations.
9. A drug was misbranded if it was manufactured, prepared, propagated, compounded, or processed in an establishment that was not registered with the FDA. See 21 U.S.C. § 352(0). Chickweed Healing Salve, TO-MOR-GONE, and R.E.P. were each manufactured, prepared, propagated, and processed in GIROD’s unregistered establishment and, thus, were each misbranded.
NOTES: Not drugs so establishment not required to be registered.
10. A drug was also misbranded unless its labeling contained “adequate directions for use.” 21 U.S.C. § 352(f)(l). Adequate directions for use were directions under which a layman “can use a drug safely and for the purposes for which it is intended.” 21 C.F.R. § 201.5. Chickweed Healing Salve and TO-MOR-GONE did not bear labeling containing adequate directions for use and, thus, were each misbranded.
NOTES: Not drugs so this requirement does not apply.
11. A drug was also misbranded unless its labeling contained a listing of each active ingredient. See 21 U.S.C. § 352(e)(l)(A)(ii). R.E.P. did not bear labeling that contained a listing of each active ingredient and, thus, was misbranded.
NOTES: Not drugs so labeling requirements do not apply.
12. A drug was also misbranded unless its labeling contained “such adequate warnings against use in those pathological conditions … where its use may be dangerous to health, or against unsafe dosage or methods or duration of administration or application, in such manner and form, as are necessary for the protection of users.” 21 U.S.C. § 352(f)(2). TO-MOR-GONE did not bear labeling warning of its caustic, corrosive effect on human skin and the scarring that could result. TO-MOR-GONE also did not bear labeling warning against its exclusive use to treat skin cancer. As such, TO-MOR-GONE was misbranded.
NOTES: Not a drug so labeling requirements do not apply. If bloodroot has its own requirements for labeling, I can’t find those requirements. That said, Sam has always complied with every labeling requirement for all products sold to the public and remains committed to doing so.
13. A drug was also misbranded if it was “dangerous to health when used in the dosage or manner, or with the frequency or duration prescribed, recommended, or suggested in the labeling thereof.” 21 U.S.C. § 352(j). TO-MOR-GONE was dangerous to health when used in the dosage, manner, frequency, and duration that was recommended and suggested in the labeling and, thus, was misbranded.
NOTES: Not a drug, not even bloodroot salve is a drug. If it’s dangerous, the FDA must PROVE it. They haven’t. They just like saying it.
14. On or about September 17, 2013, the United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri entered an order (hereinafter, “the injunction”) permanently restraining and enjoining GIROD from manufacturing, processing, packaging, labeling, holding, selling, or distributing certain products, until various conditions were met. The products covered by the injunction included Chickweed Healing Salve, TO-MOR- GONE, R.E.P., and any other products similar in composition or effect to Chickweed Healing Salve, TO-MOR-GONE, or R.E.P. The conditions under which the injunction could be lifted included: (a) GIROD’s removal from his products, labels, labeling, and promotional materials, of all claims that caused Chickweed Healing Salve, TO-MOR- GONE, and R.E.P. to be “drugs” within the meaning of the FDCA; (b) GIROD’s removal of all extracts or components of bloodroot plant (Sanguiniaria Canadensis) from his products intended for human use; (c) the FDA’s inspection of GIROD’s establishment; and (d) the FDA’s notification to GIROD of his compliance with the terms of the injunction.
NOTES: Sam obeyed a and b of injunction as follows:
a) Changed the labeling on all products sold to the public as ordered.
b) Stopped making the salve. I’m not sure how the FDA can require this since there are bloodroot salves for sale online… even on Amazon. Has it been established that bloodroot is dangerous to health when used in the dosage or manner, etc. recommended? Would like to see those studies which establish this fact.
c) He had allowed an inspection in early 2013, about 3 or 4 months prior to the injunction. At that first inspection, Sam requested no cameras. The FDA agents said no problem. Then they got on the property and whipped out their cameras, taking pictures of everything. When the agents came back AFTER the injunction for that 2nd inspection, Sam refused them entry because they lied the first time. Sam said that nothing had changed in the few months since the the previous search.
That’s when the trouble began in earnest for Sam.
15. The injunction pennitted [FDA typo] the FDA to inspect GIROD’s establishment, without prior notice and when reasonably deemed necessary, for five years from the date of entry of the order. Among other things, the injunction provided that these inspections would include reasonable and immediate access to buildings, equipment, raw ingredients, in-process materials, finished products, containers, packing material, labeling, and other material therein.
NOTES: Really? What gives the judge the authority to allow searches for products outside of FDA jurisdiction? And for FIVE YEARS?
16. Following the injunction, GIROD continued to manufacture, market, and distribute, in interstate commerce, Chickweed Healing Salve, TO-MOR-GONE, R.E.P., and other products similar in composition and effect. GIROD did not inform the purchasers of these products that he was under a court ordered injunction and was prohibited from distributing these products.
Yes, he did continue to sell his products. However — all together now — these products are not drugs so outside FDA jurisdiction. Unfortunately for Sam, he knows his constitutional rights. IMO, he didn’t realize how vicious are the thugs he is dealing with. Nobody knows until you get into the weeds with them.
<End of BACKGROUND. Now the COUNTS (charges).>
COUNT 1 18 u.s.c. § 372
Not more than 6 years imprisonment, $250,000 fine, and 3 years supervised release
17. Paragraphs 1 through 16 of this Indictment are re-alleged and incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. [This phrase is repeated throughout, I guess a bureaucratic requirement.]
18. On or about November 21, 2013, in Bath County, in the Eastern District of Kentucky, SAMUEL A. GIROD knowingly and willfully conspired with others to prevent, by force, intimidation, and threat, FDA Compliance Safoty Officers (“CSOs”) N.L.P. and M.D.S. from discharging the duties of their offices, trust, and places of confidence under the United States; and to induce, by force, intimidation, and threat, FDA CSOs N.L.P. and M.D.S. to leave the place where their duties as officers of the United States were required to be performed.
The manner and means used to accomplish the objectives of the conspiracy included, among others, the following:
19. Members of the conspiracy, including GIROD, physically surrounded N.L.P. and M.D.S. when they arrived to inspect GIROD’s establishment pursuant to the injunction.
NOTES: The Amish surround everyone who visits. They like to hear the conversation, they like to participate and to ask questions. They are not shy, nor are they armed or threatening in any way shape or form. This claim is positively ludicrous. Go visit an Amish family or church and start a lively conversation. You’ll be surrounded shortly.
Oh, and one of the “members of the conspiracy” was a Bath County KY Sheriff’s deputy who was there to protect Sam from federal harassment.
20. Members of the conspiracy, including GIROD, obstructed N.L.P.’s and M.D.S.’s attempts to gather information about GIROD’s establishment.
21. Members of the conspiracy, including GIROD, prevented N.L.P. and M.D.S. from inspecting GIROD’s establishment.
Re. 20 and 21: This was the SECOND INSPECTION. At the first inspection 3-4 months earlier, FDA agents demanded a warrant-less inspection. Sam said ok with one condition: that the agents not take photos because the Amish don’t allow photos. The agents agreed to the no photos stipulation. Sam let them on the property and the agents whipped out their cameras and took photos of everything! So at this SECOND INSPECTION, Sam told the feds, “No, you can’t inspect. You lied last time.”
22. Members of the conspiracy, including GIROD, demanded that N.L.P. and M.D.S. leave GIROD’s establishment. All in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 372.
Actually, it was a Bath County Sheriff’s deputy who told the feds to leave the property. I believe his exact word were, “There’s the road.” Why hasn’t the deputy been indicted as part of the conspiracy?
COUNT 2 18 u.s.c. § 1505
Not more than 5 years imprisonment, $250,000 fine, and 3 years supervised release.
23. Paragraphs 1 through 22 of this Indictment are re-alleged and incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein.
24. On or about November 21, 2013, in Bath County, in the Eastern District of Kentucky, SAMUEL A. GIROD corruptly, by threats and force, and by threatening communication, influenced, obstructed and impeded, and endeavored to influence, obstruct, and impede the due and proper administration of the law under which a pending proceeding was being had before the FDA, all in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1505.
NOTES: This is like a repeat of Count 1… By threats and force? Not Sam and not his family. You can bring in character witnesses galore to prove that. Heck, I’ll bet even the jailers will be testifying on Sam’s behalf after his vacay at the prison on Old Frankfort Pike.
COUNT 3 21 u.s.c. § 33l(p)
Not more than 3 years imprisonment, $250,000 fine, and I year supervised release.
25. Paragraphs I through 22 of this Indictment are re-alleged and incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein.
26. In or about September 2013, and continuing through in or about July 2015, in Bath County, in the Eastern District of Kentucky, SAMUEL A. GIROD, with the intent to defraud or mislead, operated an establishment at 409 Satterfield Lane, Owingsville, KY 40360, at which location GIROD manufactured, prepared, propagated, and processed Chickweed Healing Salve, TO-MOR-GONE, R.E.P., and products similar in composition and effect, and which GIROD had failed to register with the United States Food and Drug Administration in accordance with 21 U.S.C. § 360, all in violation of 21 U.S.C. §§ 33 l(p) and 333(a)(2).
NOTES: In Counts 3-11, the feds are saying that Sam, with intent to defraud, sold a quantity of the 3 products over state lines; that he failed to register his establishment; that the labeling did not meet FDA guidelines.
Again, long before this indictment, Sam took all health claims off his products for sale to the public. Sam has followed and will continue to follow labeling requirements for products sold to the public.
Again, the FDA tested all the products and determined that there are no drugs in the products, they are all natural ingredients. Since Sam’s products are not drugs, they are not subject to FDA regulations. This includes not having to register his establishment — that is only a requirement for drug manufacturing.
[Counts 4-11 are basically repeats of Count 3 for various products on various dates. To save space, they are included in full at the bottom of this post.]
COUNT 12 18 U.S.C. § 1512(b)(2)(A)
Not more than 20 years imprisonment, $250,000 fine, and 3 years supervised release.
43. Paragraphs 1 through 22 of this Indictment are re-alleged and incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein.
44. On or about December 15, 2014, in Bath County, in the Eastern District of Kentucky, and elsewhere, SAMUEL A. GIROD knowingly threatened, attempted to threaten, and attempted to corruptly persuade M.M., and engaged in misleading conduct toward M.M., with the intent to cause and induce M.M. to withhold records and documents from an official proceeding, to wit, the investigation of a federal grand jury in the Eastern District of Kentucky, all in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1512(b)(2)(A).
NOTES: M.M. is not identified in the 28,000 pages of discovery docs as is required by law, so not possible to investigate. Sam denies he tampered with any witness and does not know who M.M. is. The Amish don’t threaten. {Mary Miller is revealed on Day 2 of the trial here: http://www.kyfreepress.com/2017/03/trial-fda-v-samuel-girod-day-2/. She did not want to testify, obviously a friend to Sam, did not feel threatened or corrupted by him.}
</end of Indictment>
COUNT 1: Not more than 6 years imprisonment, $250,000 fine, and 3 years supervised release
COUNT 2: Not more than 5 years imprisonment, $250,000 fine, and 3 years supervised release.
COUNTS 3-11: Not more than 3 years imprisonment, $250,000 fine, and I year supervised release.
COUNT 12: Not more than 20 years imprisonment, $250,000 fine, and 3 years supervised release.
PLUS: Mandatory special assessment of $100 per count.
PLUS: Restitution, if applicable.
Counts 4-11 are below, basically repeats of Count 3 for various products on various dates. The penalty for all these counts is the same: not more than 3 years imprisonment, $250,000 fine, and I year supervised release.
COUNT 4 21 U.S.C. § 331(a)
28. On or about September 27, 2013, in Bath County, in the Eastern District of Kentucky, and elsewhere, SAMUEL A. GIROD, with the intent to defraud or mislead, introduced and delivered for introduction into interstate commerce a quantity of Chickweed Healing Salve, which was misbranded in that it: (a) was manufactured, prepared, propogated, and processed in an establishment that was not registered with the FDA; and (b) failed to bear labeling containing adequate directions for use; all in violation of21 U.S.C. §§ 33l(a) and 333(a)(2).
COUNT 5 21 U.S.C. § 331(a)
30. On or about October 14, 2013, in Bath County, in the Eastern District of Kentucky, and elsewhere,Case: 5:15-cr-00087-DCR-REW Doc #: 1 Filed: 10/01/15 Page: 9 of 15 – Page ID#: 9 SAMUEL A. GIROD, with the intent to defraud or mislead, introduced and delivered for introduction into interstate commerce a quantity of Chickweed Healing Salve, which was misbranded in that it: (a) was manufactured, prepared, propogated, and processed in an establishment that was not registered with the FDA; and (b) failed to bear labeling containing adequate directions for use; all in violation of 21 U.S.C. §§ 33 l(a) and 333(a)(2).
COUNT 6 21 U.S.C. § 33l(a)
32. On or about October 14, 2013, in Bath County, in the Eastern District of Kentucky, and elsewhere, SAMUEL A. GIROD, with the intent to defraud or mislead, introduced and delivered for introduction into interstate commerce a quantity of TO-MOR-GONE, which was misbranded in that it: (a) was manufactured, prepared, propogated, and processed in an establishment that was not registered with the FDA; (b) failed to bear labeling containing adequate directions for use; (c) failed to bear labeling containing such adequate warnings against use in those pathological conditions where its use may be dangerous to health or against unsafe dosage or methods or duration of administration or application, in such manner and fonn, as are necessary for the protection of users; and (d) was dangerous to health when used in the dosage or manner or with the frequency or duration recommended or suggested in the labeling thereof; all in violation of21 U.S.C. §§ 33l(a) and 333(a)(2).
COUNT 7 21 U.S.C. § 331(a)
34. On or about November 13, 2013, in Bath County, in the Eastern District of Kentucky, and elsewhere, SAMUEL A. GIROD, with the intent to defraud or mislead, introduced and delivered for introduction into interstate commerce a quantity of Chickweed Healing Salve, which was misbranded in that it: (a) was manufactured, prepared, propogated, and processed in an establishment that was not registered with the FDA; and (b) failed to bear labeling containing adequate directions for use; all in violation of 21 U.S.C. §§ 33l(a) and 333(a)(2).
COUNT 8 21 U.S.C. § 331(a)
36. On or about November 13, 2013, in Bath County, in the Eastern District of Kentucky, and elsewhere, SAMUEL A. GIROD, with the intent to defraud or mislead, introduced and delivered for introduction into interstate commerce a quantity of TO-MOR-GONE, which was misbranded in that it: (a) was manufactured, prepared, propogated, and processed in an establishment that was not registered with the FDA; (b) failed to bear labeling containing adequate directions for use; (c) failed to bear labeling containing such adequate warnings against use in those pathological conditions where its use may be dangerous to health or against unsafe dosage or methods or duration of administration or application, in such manner and form, as are necessary for the protection of users; and (d) was dangerous to health when used in the dosage or manner or with the frequency or duration recommended or suggested in the labeling thereof; all in violation of 21 U.S.C. §§ 331 (a) and 333(a)(2).
COUNT 9 21 U.S.C. § 331(a)
38. On or about November 13, 2013, in Bath County, in the Eastern District of Kentucky, and elsewhere, SAMUEL A. GIROD, with the intent to defraud or mislead, introduced and delivered for introduction into interstate commerce a quantity of R.E.P. [now Sine Eze, essential oils] which was misbranded in that it: (a) was manufactured, prepared, propogated, and processed in an establishment that was not registered with the FDA; and (b) failed to bear labeling that contained a listing of each active ingredient; all in violation of 21 U.S.C. §§ 33l(a) and 333(a)(2).
COUNT 10 21 U.S.C. § 331(a)
40. On or about November 13, 2013, in Bath County, in the Eastern District of Kentucky, and elsewhere, SAMUEL A. GIROD, with the intent to defraud or mislead, introduced and delivered for introduction into interstate commerce a quantity of TO-MOR-GONE, which was misbranded in that it: (a) was manufactured, prepared, propagated, and processed in an establishment that was not registered with the FDA; (b) failed to bear labeling containing adequate directions for use; (c) failed to bear labeling containing such adequate warnings against use in those pathological conditions where its use may be dangerous to health or against unsafe dosage or methods or duration of administration or application, in such manner and form, as are necessary for the protection of users; and (d) was dangerous to health when used in the dosage or manner or with the frequency or duration recommended or suggested in the labeling thereof; all in violation of 21 U.S.C. §§ 33 l(a) and 333(a)(2).
COUNT 11 21 U.S.C. § 331(a)
42. On or about January 10, 2014, in Bath County, in the Eastern District of Kentucky, and elsewhere, SAMUEL A. GIROD, with the intent to defraud or mislead, introduced and delivered for introduction into interstate commerce a quantity of Chickweed Healing Salve, which was misbranded in that it: (a) was manufactured, prepared, propogated, and processed in an establishment that was not registered with the FDA; and (b) failed to bear labeling containing adequate directions for use; all in violation of 21 U.S.C. §§ 33 l(a) and 333(a)(2).
Need to use Affidavit’s to prove all agents lied. Only an affidavit will stand on it’s own in court. Must be rebutted or it stands as truth in Commerce. Only affidavit will work in this case…Government agents lie all the time.
Thank you and yes they do. Why not? The judge led the jury, completely rigged trial designed to paint Sam as a drug-pusher. We have a lot of work to do!
God created nature and man,God granted SAM GIROD the wisdom to make something useful! and Sally where could I get Sams products? thx Wilmer
Unfortunately they are not for sale anymore. The FDA put an end to it.
I can’t agree with the FDA’s actions here, at all. Seems extremely shady. Sam kind of screwed himself by not using a lawyer, though. Shouldn’t that be grounds for an appeal? I see this petition about him getting a pardon, which seems about as likely as a snowstorm in a very hot place…
But this claptrap saying the FDA and pharma establishment try to suppress holistic medicine is bullshit and is making me comment. There ARE natural substances that are VERY harmful. Nightshade and hemlock are natural, but will kill you easily. So is ricin, for that matter, and you only need a microscopic amount of that to die. The real difference between FDA approved drugs and holistic “treatments”, and why the FDA exists and will prosecute people who make unsubstantiated claims of “cures”, is that real drugs must undergo multiple DOUBLE BLINDED, PLACEBO CONTROLLED, RANDOMIZED CLINICAL TRIALS. Anecdotes and testimonials ARE NOT evidence. Clinical trials are the strongest evidence there is. So until you holistic practitioners prove your efficacy by conducting clinical trials the same way big pharma has to, PLEASE SHUT THE HELL UP. Learn about the placebo effect, learn about the healthy user effect.
If your substances are so much better than real drugs, you won’t have any problem showing efficacy in a clinical trial.
I appreciate your comment and opinions. HOWEVER, I’m an adult, I will use what I think best to cure my illness. The FDA has proven itself beyond useless and actually dangerous by approving drugs that kill a person every 19 minutes. Remember that Sam’s products have hurt no one.
Did you know that doctor and hospital error is the third leading cause of death? bit.ly/deathbydoctor. Some researchers say it is the LEADING cause of death.
As far as double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized studies, all science today is bought by big pharma. Name a study that was not funded by a pharmaceutical company please. Show me all the dbpcr trials conducted on vaccines, for instance.
Besides, the basis for all study is anecdote. There are literally mountains of anecdotal experiences out there on every conceivable treatment. Until the FDA and big pharma prove that they are responsible stewards, my money is on anecdote every time.
I heard he will be sentenced in June but for how long?
His sentencing is June 16, looking at 68 years. He is currently in prison until sentencing. 90 days so far…
Do you haven any updates on his case? For how long he should be in prison?
I am going to pint this out and get it to the local Amish community. Most seem to be unaware that this is happening.
Thank you! You can email them to me as you get signatures!
I signed the change.org petition and shared it on fb! This is so ridiculous!
Thank you!
The FDA and big Pharm want no one to do anything holistic. They are in a panic as people are finding pharmaceuticals do not work. Dr Brzezinski in Houston finally won after decades of legal battle and the last news was the FDA finally approved his treatment for cancer. 16 Holistic practitioners died in 2016 mysteriously.
The petition is no longer available to sign. I will share this on FB and hope it gets more attention. One can never claim their holistic solutions cure people They just have to name it without any claims of any healing properties. People that educate themselves will know what it can nor can not do. The only hope that there is an upcoming shortage of 90,000 to 100,000 doctors in the next decade which hopefully will have more people discovering natural healings. Prayers to Sam Girod and his family.
Thank you. I agree with all you say! The petition is here: https://www.change.org/p/free-ky-amish-farmer-samuel-girod
Petition signed, tweeted.
Thank you!!!
This is so outrageous that it makes me sick to my stomach. I sent a letter to Jay Sekulow who fights injustice within our government. I begged him to please get involved. These people need help and FAST!
Kentucky residents can call Rand Paul
“It is an absolute honor to represent the people of Kentucky in the United States Senate. One of my responsibilities is to assist individuals with federal agencies. As a resident of Kentucky, you may contact my State Office in Bowling Green at (270) 782-8303 to receive help with any federal government agency.”
Rand has done nothing so far. I understand that as long as it’s in the courts, he can do nothing. He could at least mention it… but he has been silent.
Is there anything left that can be done for him?
Yes! Please sign and share this petition: bit.ly/freeamishsam — thank you!!!
The 1953 Fitzgerald Report was a highly controversial and suppressed document from 1953, written by Special Counsel for the Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee member Benedict Fitzgerald. His report would reveal a monopolistic effort on behalf of many organizations to block effective cancer treatments.
Commissioned by Congressman Charles Tobey in the 1950s to investigate a possible conspiracy in orthodox medicine at the time, Benedict Fitzgerald conducted an extensive study on the practices of many establishments specializing in cancer issues. —-Because of his discoveries of contradiction and corruption between agencies designed to cure people and exposing the American Medical Association’s effort to block effective cancer treatments, the Fitzgerald Report has been suppressed for the last 53 years.[2] The report was submitted into the Congressional Record Appendix August 3, 1953 [3] where it has remained until it was recently unearthed by Dr. Stanley Monteith.[3]
I’ll bet anything that this is targeted harassment because someone either wants the land, or wants to run power lines across this Amish man’s land. (Look at the address in Google maps satellite view to see where the lines run down from northeast.)
Actually, I’m betting it is a continuation of drug lobbyists trying to make their poison be only available treatment. More I said treatment because while herbal remedies aim to cure or prevent… drugs just mask symptoms and often create other problems for which a second and usually third, fourth,fifth ect drugs last symptoms created by the prior drugs
Yep, I agree! Please sign and share this petition: bit.ly/freeamishsam — thank you!!!
This is the DUMBEST thing I have ever heard. He did nothing wrong, they are GOOD people.I have many many Amish and Mennonite friends. And proud to say it.Get the REAL DRUG DEALERS, THEY ARE WRONG FOR DOIMG THIS TO GOOD PEOPLE !!!!!!
Here again government intervention in a citizen affairs. Why don’t we have any rites to challenge any government rules
Is there any way to investigate possible bribery between the FDA and Judge Reeves? If the FDA can be hauled before the supreme court on allegations of corruption it might help to tamper them down a bit.
What happened at the court hearing? I am just reading this now. I can’t imagine what the family is going through along with the former.
He was convicted on all counts, heartbreaking. You can read about the trial on the homepage.
I wish I had known about this sooner. We would have gone to court. I have never used these products but if they are still available I will order them and will also give them as gifts. I do not know these people but I have read and also own a bookcase full of books about them and their lifestyle. I know they do not fight back ever, however isn’t there a lawyer who would just go and fight the case in his behalf without his permission, for free. I know Obama freed proven criminals from prison and let the walk the streets. What is wrong with us? Why can’t this be brought to the attention of our President. He believes in doing and living right. He is a compassionate man. I believe he would put a stop to this nonsense.Wish we could help.
We are working on a presidential pardon.
What help do you need to get a presidential pardon?
Sign the petition, then get everyone you know to sign it: bit.ly/freeamishsam
Sam needs 100,000 signatures asap! Thank you!
Was there ever a bond set? If not, why not? It’s not like he’s a flight risk?
No he’s not a flight risk in the traditional sense. But he missed a status hearing (he didn’t think he had to go) and there was an arrest warrant out for him for five months. Huge mistake on Sam’s part but he’s terribly naive when it comes to the U.S. judicial system… So the judge won’t let him out.
There’s one here: bit.ly/freeamishsam — please sign and share!
This makes me so angry and sad. This man held in prison who is no danger to himself or anyone else and they know it. In the meantime violent drug dealers are let out of jail to continue on. Pharmaceutical companies put out worthless drugs that do nothing or out and out kill people with approval of the FDA. Herbal healing is
nothing new and has been used since the beginning of time. They are God’s natural medicine. Growing up they were the cure for nearly everything and I have gone back to using those same remedies. In addition I don’t think the people need some agency of the government need their protection in so far as most people can figure out for themselves that herbal slaves are folk medicine which may or may not work but they do no harm either. Pray for help for this poor man and a way to stop the government from doing this type of thing to anyone else. How did that trial go? Had I known I would have been there.
Praying for family. Is there a go fund me Account for them
Yes, there is: http://gofundme.com/supportsamnow — thank you!
This link is not working :(
This Man, Sam Girls, needs to be freed immediately! These Charges are insane!
This is absolutely absurd. The FDA is butthurt because the natural remedies actually work better than the synthetic drugs that they are trying to push on us. People have used these remedies for years and I have never heard anything but good about them
we are all so sorry to hear about this
Please let us know what we can do!
I am appalled that our justice system would prosecute an Amish farmer when the drug cartels are let go with little or no punishment. For Gods sake, the man was making salve that I could produce in my kitchen. HELLO ! The stupid judge should be impeached for such an act of injustice.
Leave him alone! Go after real criminals instead! There are murders and rapists walking free who don’t see a day in prison,, yet this man is picked on.
This is not the only case of FDA persecution. There are many cases of people who have gone to federal prisons who have sold plant based products that have been researched and proven harmless. But in some cases the FDA has suppressed the research and convicted people unjustly. He good news is that they are banding together and fighting baCk.
If you can provide names of those in prison now that will help us in our research for Sam.
Are there any updates after day 1 of the trial? I’m carrying this family in my heart and prayers constantly.
Who did he upset. Seems to me you have the freedom lost. What about the organic label ,what about the natural. Are the Feds going to check all .looks like a very very waste of time and energy.national should here of this
Hey FOlks, where is his court date scheduled for this monday? Could he use support in the courtroom? I am sending this out to some folks i know of in kY and also to Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, hoping to help support this person where I can this is awful!!!
It’s 9am at the Federal courthouse in Lexington, corner of Barr and Limestone. It’s the old post office building and faces Main Street. The trial will run Monday through Thursday, possibly Friday. Would love to have bodies there :)
That said, Monday is jury selection and there won’t be much room in the actual courtroom. BUT bodies out front and in the hallway are very very important. We need a strong showing for Samuel and to let the judge, etc. know we do not approve of this prosecution. Thank you!!!
Is there a petition on Change.Org that people can sign and share?
Yes, http://bit.ly/freeamishsam
Thank you!
Also, come as much as you can. Nobody is expected to come all day everyday :) But anytime anyone can spare helps in the effort to Free Sam!
If you break the law, which he clearly did based on ms Oh’s story, and keep doing it despite being ordered by a court to stop, you will get what is coming to you. The definition of “drugs” does not only use the word cure, but also treatment. Please read the whole definition. This guy may be a rebel with a cause, but without a clue.
Ah, you are an expert at missing the point. I’ll spell it out for you.
A. Not all laws are legal or moral. Just ask Rosa Parks. If you still miss the point given the Parks’ example, there’s not much hope you’ll ever get it.
B. Why is the medical establishment allowed to own certain words in the English language? What about the First Amendment? Why is it CRIMINAL for anyone else to use those words? Please don’t prove your ignorance by saying the FDA is just trying to keep us safe. If you believe that, you are either still drinking the kool-aid or you are receiving money from the government.
C. It is our obligation as free people abiding by Common Law — upon which the U.S. Constitution is based — to break immoral and illegal laws. Otherwise, we will not be free for long.
Your disrespect for Samuel makes it abundantly clear who doesn’t have a clue.
Do we know the names of the individuals who perpetrated this criminal abuse of power? The wrong person is in jail. The FDA may be an out of control agency but it is made up of individuals who should (and likely do) know that what they are doing is wrong.
I don’t know the individuals… you are absolutely 100% right: the wrong person is in jail. I’m hoping the judge gets impeached for participating in this fraud. That would be a very satisfying start.
Is Mr. Girod being held in jail awaiting trial, or was his incarceration temporary? Either way it is an overstep, but I am unclear on facts. Thank you.
He is in the federal prison in Lexington KY awaiting trial. His pre-trial hearing is tomorrow 9am.
Is this case going to be tried in Bath county on the 27th
It will be tried in Lexington in the Federal Courthouse. That’s at Barr and Limestone, the old post office. It’s the building that faces Main Street.
This case needs wide spread media. Have you tried getting it on the Dr. PHIL SHOW. PEOPLE DON’T WANT TO BELIEVE THIS IGNORANCE GOES ON UNTIL THE FEDS GO AFTER THEIR OWN FAMILY .
Checking into every media outlet! If you have a contact for Dr. Phil, please let me know!
All the products DO exactly what they say! That’s what the FDA can’t stand! If they can’t own IT they don’t allow IT! In FACT Gov’t officials OWN almost all patents for every drug used ONLY to treat your SYMPTOMS real AIDS they gave everyone ALWAYS CAUSED!
US funds NO research into plants or mushrooms medicine because they don’t want people getting better! Go to NIH reporter to see where YOUR money is doled.
You people are Slaves to Pharmus whores giving everyone real AIDS for decades, calling IT syndromes, psych, cancer and addiction and have denied YOU TRUTH and real treatment for the REAL cause since 1930, when they began giving everyone real AIDS.
Now they despise the people reporting the REAL Science and tell you they are all your enemies….
Your nation is run by thieves and you have nothing but Medi Sin!
Can’t argue with any of what you say.
Anybody know where I can get some of his salve? I would love to try it on my eczema.
Unfortunately, not for sale right now. If you are local and come to the pre-trial Wed 2/22 or the trial starting on the 27th, I can give you some :)
Sally O: You admit they have grounds to charge him with making and selling “drugs” in section 7 as copied below, yet you pretend they aren’t drugs!! Pretending will not make it so, when you are on government’s home turf, you play by their rules, and the only way to win is to use their own rules against them and in your favor! It can usually be accomplished!! You wrote:
7. The FDCA defined a “drug” as an article that was: (a) intended for use in the diagnosis. cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man; and/or (b) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man. See 21 U.S.C. § 321(g)(l)(B) and (C). Chickweed Healing Salve, TO-MOR-GONE, and R.E.P., were “drugs,” as defined within the FDCA.
They were only defined as drugs when his label was claiming a cure for cancer. Once the label was changed, they were no longer defined as drugs. Does that makes sense?
Yes, you can only win by their rules. We can perhaps agree that has nothing to do with justice.
I think some soapers advise that even if you make no claims, FDA says if people commonly use a certain ingredient in a drug-like way, that makes your product a drug. Seems kind of arbitrary to me, designed to force people away from nature and toward big Pharma.
I love these products and depend on Sine-Eze to clear my awful sinus problems due to the chemicals the corporation that the prosecutors represent allow to be sprayed in our air via jets and other aircraft. They go after the healers and protect those that harm. Shame on them.
I work at a farm store ND have had many conversations with Sam and many of the other Amish of the area and would gladly be a character witness for him these claims are rediculous and should be thrown out of court
Thank you, James! I will let Sam know.
The government can and will do ANYTHING they want! It’s disgusting!!
Has anybody talked to the Bath County Sheriff? It is his/her jurisdiction and they are responsible to protect the citizens of Bath County from this type of abuse by an agency that has no business in Bath County.
Sheriff Snedeger wrote a letter to the feds, with Sheriff Mack’s help, and told the feds that Sam was under the Sheriff’s protection. The feds ignored it.
It is truly shameful that this happens. The feds have gotten way “too big for their britches” these days… not just for this, but for many other travesties against family run farms over the past decade. I hope that this man can get a truly fair trial and will be cleared of all charges. I also hope that this kind of bullying will be stopped under our new administration.
This is a sign of the times..the world is sue happy…
This is ridiculous! God put natural healing on this earth for a reason. Damn government wants to controls everything. My partners used to buy things from Sam. I grew up just about two miles from where he used to live in Indiana. My mom got some type of drink from him that caused the intestinal worms she had to die and be passed when she used the toliet.
There are thousands of bottles of different vitamins sold everyday and they are not controlled by the FDA because they are not a food or drug. Yet they can sell vitamins and we don’t even know what we are taking. This is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard of. A product that worked so well that it was taking away doctors business. That’s the real reason this man is being jailed.
You are absolutely right!!!
https://www.gofundme.com/supportsamnow Let’s Share the news to the world! Let’s make it go Viral! https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=justice4samgirod
So what can we do to help? This is ridiculous! The FDA is ok with such poisons as what ever the heck is in a can of Mountain Dew but holistic practices come under fire!?! This is maddening!!!
I did not know the FDA was still pursuing this. What a waste of money. I have used the REP for years. We have illegal drug activity all over this area. The government needs to put its resources elsewhere and the FDA needs to get the heck out of Bath County!
The FDA and most other government agencies are out of control. I think Trump’s proposal to cut 20% of federal jobs is a good start.
This is utterly crazy, this poor man and his family! I have used Sam’s salves in the past and they are wonderful.
I also know this family personally as well as Sam’s brother Joe, Josephine and their children. Couldn’t find a nicer bunch of people. The Amish have always been welcoming and would do anything they could to help you.
I’m saddened by this.
This man and his family are honest, hard-working farmer , prayers for the entire family
I believe this is happening because big drug company’s do not want us to use any thing that they are not selling they want it all to them selves
Being a resident of Bath county, Ky this story hits close to home. I worked in a store/deli where the chickweed salve was sold and used. I’m bewildered that such legal action has been taken against the makers of such a miraculous salve. I love the stuff. It’s beyond upsetting.
FDA needs to back off, they pass drugs with so many side effects that kill people. I think big pharma and the FDA need to stop harassing people trying to provide for themselves. We the people don’t seem to have much say so.
The FDA needs to pick on the drug companies killing people every day, not
A Amish farmer or any farmer for that matter. I have used these products and they
Are great. FEDS go home and leave Kentucky alone.
Unconstitutional over reach by the Federal government. Who would have thunk it? It’s stuff like this that makes me distrust the government and wonder if the by the people for the people is an illusion nowadays.
This is just outrageous. I liked the Chickweed it was the only thing that would get rid of my Chiggers when nothing else did and I had no side effects.
It’s a shame that something that has been used for 100’s of years is being branded wrong by the government. These old time remedies are far better than some of modern medicine. It’s a shame that people trust their heritage. The heritage that our grandmother’s and grandfather’s past on. We have used too many modern meds. Do people not listen to the commercials for drugs the side effects are ridiculous. And all drugs are processed thru the kidneys or liver, you are killing your organs. Don’t get me wrong I believe in modern medicine, but isn’t it better to only use them when nothing else works
I had no idea all this went on. We love the Chickweed Salve, and the R.E.P. is amazing!! It actually helps my migraines.
Knock it off the people are sick of you guys
That is FOR SURE!!!
Has he contacted his Federal Congressman or Representative? They can sometimes provide some assistance with harassment
Yes, people are calling and writing already. Governor Matt Bevin and Senator Rand Paul.
NOOOOO!!! This ticks me off to the max!!!! I was so sad to hear this last year, that they made them remove it and the maker may be jailed. WRONG!! JUST WRONG!!! This Amish salve “was” the best stuff EVER!!! FDA should be begging to buy the recipe instead of jailing the Amish man!!! I knew I should have bought all of it off the shelves on my visits to KY!!
I agree with all you say. The search thing was especially infuriating.
My dad used the chickweed salve to good effect. I’d say it was at least as safe and effective as most of the FDA approved drugs.
The viciousness of the FDA in this case makes me wonder if these products aren’t extremely effective. Sadly, at this point, I now believe that the FDA protects their own federal fiefdom and (to use their own terminology from internal FDA documents) their clients, by which they’re referring to the large drug companies.
This case is absolutely infuriating. The Western District of Missouri? I’d like to see this case tried in Bath County, where these alleged crimes allegedly occurred. I’d like to see Sam get a jury of his peers, including perhaps another Amish person, some local farmers who have had a belly full of USDA and FDA regulatory meddling and stomping on small family farms to the benefit of big agricultural conglomerates, etc.
The requirement for Sam to voluntary waive his right to be secure from warrantless searches and seizures was a nice touch. I guess when you represent an all powerful feral government agency with no accountability, you are free to make such outrageously unconstitutional demands of the persecuted.
There are countless examples every day of how government agencies that were presumably established to protect the people are causing us great harm.
This is almost enough to make me want to study law and seek a seat on the bench. As the judge in this case, my instructions would be, “Bailiff, whack the counsel for the FDA on the pee pee for bringing this travesty into my court.”
Thanks for making my day! I haven’t thought of that Cheech and Chong skit in many years. Hilarious.