by Sally Oh | Sep 16, 2020 | Uncategorized
There is ONE WAY to hold Kentucky’s Supreme Court accountable to the Constitution: vote them in or out. There are SEVEN (7) of them, they are elected BY DISTRICT in a non-partisan election. We need to take action now. 2022: FOUR (4) SCOKY Judges up for...
by Sally Oh | Aug 4, 2020 | Uncategorized
King Andy has singlehandedly destroyed Kentucky’s economy. Put just over a million Kentuckians out of work, closed thousands of businesses — many permanently — and bankrupted the state. He must be stopped. Tragically there doesn’t seem to be...
by Sally Oh | Aug 21, 2019 | Uncategorized
This is a letter I sent to the SPLC back in 2010. They’d just written some nonsense about Active Patriot Groups and how patriots are actually terrorists. Oy vey. It was shared on Activist Post and InfoWars. August 30, 2010 Re: SPLC list of “Active Patriot...
by Sally Oh | Feb 21, 2019 | Uncategorized
Guest post by Pastor David Carr President Donald Trump has shaken up politicians’ love affair with aimless, ruinous wars and failed nation building, but too many in the establishment, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, just can’t let it go. When...
by Runaway Slave | Feb 16, 2018 | Cannabis
“When the world ends, I want to be in Kentucky, because everything happens 20 years later there.” We are hoping that’s not true of medical cannabis in KY. Currently, 29 states have medical and 9 have full legal, including Washington, DC. Let that...
by Sally Oh | Dec 27, 2017 | Parental Rights
Click here for the current version of this post. This amendment was first addressed in 2013. Today, I came across a story that reminded me how dangerous it would be to give any other party legalized authority over our children. Following is the original proposed...
by Letters to the Editor | Nov 18, 2017 | Corruption
Guest post by Scott Hofstra, founder of the United Ky Tea Party. Opinions may or may not reflect the Editor’s opinion. (In this case, it does 100%!) Editor’s Note: Current charges of sexual harassment in KY’s legislature take top billing. But, wait,...
by Sally Oh | Aug 20, 2017 | Federal Harassment, Sam Girod
Sam is in prison now. Federal prison where criminals live. Supposed criminals. Now that Sam is there — in Federal Prison where the U.S. Just Us system puts murderers and rapists and child molesters — I wonder how many real criminals we have amongst the...
by Liberty4Ever | Jul 1, 2017 | Federal Harassment, Sam Girod
You’ve probably heard, but Sam Girod was sentenced to six years in federal prison for making herbal salve without the king’s permission, plus $1300 in what are essentially court costs, plus over $14,000 in restitution to his victims. He will also have...
by Sally Oh | May 20, 2017 | Federal Harassment, Sam Girod
It’s time to start sending letters, emails, calls to the 8 elected representatives below (9 if you count Melania). Here’s the plan in two steps: STEP 1: Have your letter and social media post handy in a text doc. You can copy and paste from the examples...
by Letters to the Editor | May 8, 2017 | Opinion
Guest post by Lanny Vincent. Letters to the Editor are reprinted in full and may or may not reflect opinions of the Editor. Please feel free to share your opinions in the comments. After David Chavern of the News Media Alliance stated in his editorial that the print...
by Liberty4Ever | Apr 12, 2017 | I.R.S., Taxes
If I was merely wasting the money I pay in taxes, I could live with the progressive tax rate where they take a lot more when I make a little more, as long as the profit curve never turns negative. They’re careful to maintain an asymptotic curve where eventually,...
by Sally Oh | Mar 30, 2017 | Federal Harassment
First, please sign and share the petition here: For a more detailed version of Sam’s story plus links to documents, click here. Feel free to copy, share and use as you like. Samuel Girod [G as in Gee: gi-ROD] and his family have been making...
by Sally Oh | Mar 5, 2017 | Federal Harassment
Please sign the petition here. We need 50,000 sigs to get anyone’s attenion! The complete story is here. The final day of Sam Girod’s trial consisted of Sam calling one witness, himself, the prosecutor’s closing arguments, Sam’s closing...
by Sally Oh | Mar 1, 2017 | Federal Harassment
Complete story here. General Comments for Tuesday, February 28th, 2017: All of the federal witnesses are either federal employees (FDA or US Marshal) or they’re subpoenaed witnesses who clearly do not want to be there and they’re obviously sympathetic to...
by Sally Oh | Mar 1, 2017 | Federal Harassment
First, please sign and share the petition here: This post explains the Girod indictment. Here are all the court documents on Sam’s entire case. There are two folders: the 1st is for the labeling, the 2nd is for the criminal indictment. Feel free...
by Sally Oh | Feb 28, 2017 | Federal Harassment
Editor’s note: This was written by a friend who was at the trial yesterday. Complete story here. Of all of the bullshit federal cases, this ranks among the bullshittiest. The first couple of hours on Monday were jury selection. There seemed to be 50-80 potential...
by Sally Oh | Jan 27, 2017 | Federal Harassment
First, please sign and share the petition here: The Backstory The FDA is trying to put KY Amish farmer Sam Girod in jail for 58 YEARS for charges stemming from a labeling infraction on an herbal salve he’s made for almost 20 years. Entire...
by Sally Oh | Jan 15, 2017 | Federal Harassment
I know it sounds like I made up a terribly inflammatory headline… but it’s not JUST inflammatory. It’s true, the Girod indictment is below. This post explains the Girod indictment. For a condensed version of the story, click here. For a more detailed...
by Sally Oh | Dec 15, 2016 | Drugs & Drug War
Here’s the article outlining the assault. Er, meeting. The short video at the top of the article is informative. THE PROBLEM: Violence in Louisville neighborhoods. Dear Louisville citizens, LOOK OUT. Your Metro Council just instructed your police chief to give...
by Sally Oh | Dec 11, 2016 | Cannabis, Marijuana, War On Drugs (WOD)
EDITOR’S NOTE: I heard Peggy’s story at a recent townhall meeting. I asked if she would share her Kentucky medical Cannabis story here and she said yes without hesitation. She knows the risks, but, as Peggy pointed out, if people aren’t willing to...