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LETTERS: Downtown Lexington’s “Creative Class” and Gentrification Initiative

Guest post by Liberty Prevails.   In a recent video promoting The Lexington Downtown Management District (a), a proposed quasi governmental entity proposed by The Lexington Downtown Corporation; Phil Holoubek, President of Lexington’s Real Estate Company,...

Agenda 21 Basics: An Introduction

Agenda 21 Basics is an introduction to the U.N. program that is undermining property rights and basic freedoms in America, starting in YOUR hometown. It is being implemented without representation, without legislation, without any oversight at all, save that of your...

LETTERS: Get US out of the UN.

Guest post by Robert Augustine. Allowing a foreign nation command over the people of the United States and its military could be such a circumstance in which Philosopher John Locke prescribes as a reason for citizens to revolt. Thankfully no violent revolutions have...