by Letters to the Editor | Sep 23, 2016 | 2nd Amendment
Dear Editor: Let’s consider some actual facts on “Gun Violence” in the US: In an interview with anti-gun Carol Costello on CNN’s Newsroom, the Executive Director for Gun Owners of America, Mr. Erich Pratt, presented some critical facts few people ever think about or...
by Liberty4Ever | Mar 16, 2014 | 2nd Amendment
You may have been following this story, but here’s a quick background. Ares Armor is a California gun store owned and operated by a US veteran. They’ve been selling 80% AR-15 lowers, which are completely legal. They’re used by gun enthusiasts to...
by Sally Oh | Aug 15, 2013 | 4th Amendment, Obamacare
Wow, pretty inflammatory headline, eh? Sounds like another one of those wacky extremist papers. Sadly, no. The Obamacare forced home inspections article and headline come from Ben Swann’s Truth in Media site. Gulp. Inflammatory? Yes. Wacky? Yes. Extremist? Most...
by Sally Oh | Feb 14, 2013 | 2nd Amendment, Call to Action
To our 2nd Amendment Kentucky friends: here’s the low down on gun bills in the House this short session. If you’re really in a hurry, just skip to the 3 Minute Pro-Gun To Do List at the bottom! (Thank you, Liberty4Ever!) HB 156 – The Kentucky...
by Sally Oh | Feb 9, 2013 | 2nd Amendment, Legislation 2013
First things first: not only have Kentucky gun control legislators introduced SB 121, the Senate bill mentioned yesterday, but House legislators have introduced another five gun control bills there. FIVE. Does “shall not be infringed” have some scholarly...
by Sally Oh | Feb 8, 2013 | 2nd Amendment, Guns, Hemp, Kentucky Free State Project, Thomas Massie
Please join fellow gun-rights advocates at the Kentucky 2nd Amendment rally today: 5pm at Triangle Park in downtown Lexington. There is street parking as well as two parking garages on Main Street. You can RSVP here on Facebook. Or just show up with your sign! My sign...
by Sally Oh | Jan 20, 2013 | 2nd Amendment, Guns
Click here to read the scary article on gun show shootings. It’s funny peculiar that the article makes no mention of the fact that accidental shootings are not mass murders committed by the SSRI-hyper-sensitive. Sigh. Must have just been an editorial oversight....
by Sally Oh | Dec 18, 2012 | 2nd Amendment, Guns, School Shootings
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