by Runaway Slave | Feb 16, 2018 | Cannabis
“When the world ends, I want to be in Kentucky, because everything happens 20 years later there.” We are hoping that’s not true of medical cannabis in KY. Currently, 29 states have medical and 9 have full legal, including Washington, DC. Let that...
by Sally Oh | Dec 11, 2016 | Cannabis, Marijuana, War On Drugs (WOD)
EDITOR’S NOTE: I heard Peggy’s story at a recent townhall meeting. I asked if she would share her Kentucky medical Cannabis story here and she said yes without hesitation. She knows the risks, but, as Peggy pointed out, if people aren’t willing to...
by Sally Oh | Jul 6, 2016 | Cannabis
Editor’s Note: Please join us this Friday morning (tomorrow July 8) at 10:00am in the Capitol Annex Bldg, Room 129 for a Licenses and Occupation Joint Committee Hearing on the legalization of Medical Cannabis in KY. We need to fill the committee room #129 and...
by Sally Oh | Jun 5, 2015 | Cannabis, Marijuana
Commonwealth vs. Beasley — The young black man in the photo above, a whip-smart college student, was involved in a tragic accident in 2011 during which he lost control of his car and his best friend was killed. According to all reports, there was no sign of...