by Runaway Slave | Sep 20, 2011 | capitalism, economics, Freemarket, Libertarian Curmudgeon
Evaporation of Wealth on a Vast Scale How $1-million can disappear September 19, 2011 By Elliott Wave International The bursting of the “debt bubble” which started in 2008 is far from over. It’s the financial story of our age and it’s happening...
by Runaway Slave | Sep 6, 2011 | corporate state, economics, Libertarian Curmudgeon
Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front Wendell Berry Love the quick profit, the annual raise, vacation with pay. Want more of everything ready-made. Be afraid to know your neighbors and to die. And you will have a window in your head. Not even your future will be...
by Runaway Slave | Mar 4, 2011 | economics, Essays & Articles, government jobs, Libertarian Curmudgeon, Uncategorized
Standing in the street with a picket sign doesn’t make you right, or mean you are oppressed. I say this not to discourage or disparage people who stand in the street with picket signs. On the contrary, I am a great admirer of public displays of righteousness. I’ve...
by Runaway Slave | Jul 6, 2010 | 2nd Amendment, anti-obama, commentary, constitution, costa rica, economics, fascism, fascist, Freedom, freedom, Government, libertarian, Libertarian Curmudgeon, liberty, liberty tees and gifts, police state, politicians, Politics, state's interest
This from Gonzalo Lira’s Blog: I lived in Chile during the Pinochet dictatorship – I can spot a fascist police-state when I see one. The United States is a fascist police-state. Harsh words – incendiary, even. And none too clever of me, to use such...