by Sally Oh | Nov 5, 2013 | Doreen Hendrickson, Income Tax, IRS
This morning, the jury in Doreen Hendrickson’s trial returned to the courthouse and deliberated all day. At around 5pm, they finally emerged and presented their verdict: hung jury. What a delightful victory!!! At least one juror (and possibly more — we...
by Sally Oh | Nov 5, 2012 | Direct/Indirect Taxes, Income Tax, IRS, Taxes
In a nutshell: while the income tax is constitutional, direct taxes are NOT. The IRS has been fraudulently applying the income tax as a direct tax, and that’s what needs to be challenged. Not “everything that comes in” is taxable income. Let’s...
by Sally Oh | Oct 1, 2011 | Fair/Flat Tax, I.R.S., Income Tax, Taxes
Here is some Economic Tax Policy reading for you this morning from the Ludwig Von Mises Institute. The article is a little old, but still relevant, especially considering the TEA Party’s affinity for the Fair Tax over our current tax structure. I thought it...
by Runaway Slave | Oct 15, 2010 | Fair/Flat Tax, Income Tax, Taxes
Americans for Fair Taxation strikes back against Democrats’ false, negative attacks this Sunday with this full-page newspaper ad published in North Carolina, Arizona, and Florida. Lots more where this came from:
by Runaway Slave | Jan 29, 2010 | I.R.S., Income Tax, Libertarian Curmudgeon, Taxes
The following article by attorney Bill Butler is longish, and not always and easy read, but well worth the time. It deals with an issue I’ve been involved in more closely than I’d have liked for a number of years now, and there’s really no end in...
by Runaway Slave | Nov 7, 2007 | Income Tax, Libertarian Curmudgeon
“It is not to be supposed that juries would enforce a tax upon an individual which he had never agreed to pay.” — Lysander Spooner A few days ago an Atlanta jury found former IRS agent Sherry Jackson guilty of "willful failure to file tax returns." Ms....
by Runaway Slave | Oct 4, 2007 | I.R.S., Income Tax, Libertarian Curmudgeon
by Runaway Slave | Jul 11, 2007 | Essays & Articles, Fraud, Income Tax, Libertarian Curmudgeon
Recent correspondence from my favorite junk yard dogs has prompted me to share with you, my loyal readers, and with those who drop by occasionally to scoff, point and laugh, a simple, but accurate summary of an almost unimaginably vast fraud, the income tax. To that...