by Sally Oh | Jan 22, 2012 | Animal Tagging, Federal, post, Hemp, Kentucky, Legislation, Lexington, Updates, USDA Census
USDA Census Over the last couple of weeks, KY farmers (and, we presume, farmers in all states) received a USDA census form to fill out detailing your farm’s possessions, income and activities. Farmers we spoke to are in two camps on this: Camp #1: All the...
by Sally Oh | Jan 22, 2012 | post, Legislation, Lexington
Sec. 4-11 — Hogs, goats, pigs; keeping (a) The keeping of hogs, goats or pigs within any area of the urban county except those zoned agricultural is hereby prohibited and declared to be unlawful. This prohibition shall not apply to: (1) Goats commonly known as...
by Sally Oh | Nov 25, 2011 | post, Legislation, Lexington
UPDATE 12/7/11: The proposed changes to the ordinance will be back before the Planning and Public Works Committee on January 24, 2012 at 1:30 pm in Council Chambers. You may obtain a copy of the packet a few days before the meeting by clicking here and then on the...