by Letters to the Editor | Jan 8, 2016 | Kynect, Obamacare
Guest post by Lanny Vincent. Letters to the Editor are reprinted in full and may or may not reflect opinions of the Editor. Please feel free to share your opinions in the comments. Well, break out the crying towels for the Democratic Party of Kentucky. Pity the poor...
by Sally Oh | Jun 12, 2014 | David Adams, Obamacare
Humana of Kentucky turned heads with their eighty percent premium increase in the first year of ObamaCare and have requested a 16.3 percent increase for plans to be sold beginning this November. “This is insult on top of injury in Kentucky’s ObamaCare...
by Sally Oh | Sep 2, 2013 | David Adams, Obamacare
Our friend David Adams is suing Governor Steve Beshear over at least four different misappropriations of authority and tax payer funds related to Kentucky Obamacare. You can follow David’s endeavors here. So far, so good. Beshear, of course, acts like he...
by Sally Oh | Aug 15, 2013 | 4th Amendment, Obamacare
Wow, pretty inflammatory headline, eh? Sounds like another one of those wacky extremist papers. Sadly, no. The Obamacare forced home inspections article and headline come from Ben Swann’s Truth in Media site. Gulp. Inflammatory? Yes. Wacky? Yes. Extremist? Most...
by Sally Oh | Oct 25, 2012 | Health Care, Insurance, Obamacare
David Adams, Kentucky’s relentless warrior against Kentucky Obamacare and its devastating unintended consequences, tells us that Franklin Circuit Judge Thomas Wingate will rule on revoking the state business license of Christian Care Medi-Share on or before...
by Runaway Slave | Sep 23, 2009 | Current Affairs, Essays & Articles, Free Market, Freemarket, Health, Health Care, health insurance, Libertarian Curmudgeon, Obamacare
My readers in their comments about medical care uniformly show a great, and on the evidence, inexplicable trust in Uncle Sam’s ability to do exactly what he promises. They show an equal distrust of ‘greedy’ insurance companies. While mistrust of insurance companies is...