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Ron Paul Can Win

The notion that a man of principle could win a national election here in the USA is difficult to reconcile with election results of the last 50 years or more.  But Ron Paul has been true to his principles and right in his predictions for 35 years. Maybe Americans are...

Is the U.S. a Fascist Police-State?

This from Gonzalo Lira’s Blog: I lived in Chile during the Pinochet dictatorship – I can spot a fascist police-state when I see one. The United States is a fascist police-state. Harsh words – incendiary, even. And none too clever of me, to use such...

Stone in My Hand

My 17-year-old son plays the bass and guitar and has an eclectic taste in music. Everlast is one of his favorites. I’ve heard this song many times blasting out of his room. Powerful stuff, but not generally the style I spend much time listening to. Just today,...

Meet the New Boss

"When Obama says this stuff, I think he doesn't really mean it, and that gives me hope." Welcome to the Slope of Hope. The Daily Show With Jon StewartM – Th 11p / 10cChangefest '09 – Obama's Inaugural SpeechBarack Obama InterviewJohn...