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What Child is This?

I enjoyed this little story of Obama’s walk across the waters to the old world and Asia. Written by Gerald Baker for the London Times Online. You can read it HERE, but this live reading is just the thing. Follow this link to help Stop Obama.

A Ron Paul Parable

(Smithtown, N.Y.) Many contend that Ron Paul, although an honest, plain-talking man, comes to the 2008 presidential campaign podium without a lot of achievement.  While in office, he hasn’t steer-headed proposed legislation into law, or galvanized broad-based...

McCain Drops the H-Bomb

Ron Paul received an unexpected credibility boost in his presidential run when Senator John McCain dropped an "H-bomb" on him in last week’s debates. Not a real H-bomb, of course, though Bomber John surely pines to have his finger on that trigger. I...

The Nobel Gore

My Spanish teacher told me this morning that the kindly robot Algore was sharing a Nobel prize. I replied that I didn’t know there was a Nobel Prize category for Blow-Hard Alarmism.  Turns out it was for the Peace prize, as if scaring people with...