by Letters to the Editor | May 25, 2015 | Smart Meters
Guest post by Granny Sue. Letters to the Editor are reprinted in full and may or may not reflect opinions of the Editor. Every night as I return home from work, the first thing to be checked is the light switch in the hall. If the light comes on, then I know the...
by Letters to the Editor | Jul 7, 2014 | Agenda 21 in Kentucky, Smart Meters
Guest post by Granny Sue. Letters to the Editor are reprinted in full and may or may not reflect opinions of the Editor. This week has left me more appreciative of the Amish views about electricity. According to what I have read, the Amish are very careful about being...
by Sally Oh | Jun 3, 2013 | Smart Meters
Here’s an email a friend received from Mr. Melnykovych at the PSC re. Smart Meters and KU’s plans for installation on homes in their jurisdiction: Good morning – The PSC currently has an administrative proceeding underway to consider a number of...
by Sally Oh | Jun 2, 2013 | Smart Meters
We wrote about Smart Meters in Kentucky before: Kentuckians have them whether you want them or not. Following is my email exchange with Andrew Melnykovych, the PSC’s Director of Communications, regarding opposition to Smart Meters in Kentucky. The PSC is the...
by Sally Oh | Jan 25, 2013 | Smart Meters
Even though many some of you have written to the PSC requesting an opt-out of Smart Meters in Kentucky, it could be months before that is decided. [And in fact it will be. Click here to read the 6/1/13 email exchange with Melnykovych, which includes a number to call...