by Liberty4Ever | Apr 12, 2017 | I.R.S., Taxes
If I was merely wasting the money I pay in taxes, I could live with the progressive tax rate where they take a lot more when I make a little more, as long as the profit curve never turns negative. They’re careful to maintain an asymptotic curve where eventually,...
by Sally Oh | Nov 12, 2014 | 2015 General Assembly, 2015 Pre-Filed Bills, Taxes
A friend alerted KyFreePress to the brand new marketing push for the tired old idea of passing a constitutional amendment giving local governments the “right” to authorize a 1% sales tax for “community” projects. It’s being branded as...
by Letters to the Editor | Jun 10, 2014 | Agenda 21, City Government, Downtown Lexington Corporation (DLC), LFUCG, NGOs, Planning & Zoning, Taxes, Uncategorized
Guest post by Liberty Prevails. In a recent video promoting The Lexington Downtown Management District (a), a proposed quasi governmental entity proposed by The Lexington Downtown Corporation; Phil Holoubek, President of Lexington’s Real Estate Company,...
by Sally Oh | Nov 5, 2012 | Direct/Indirect Taxes, Income Tax, IRS, Taxes
In a nutshell: while the income tax is constitutional, direct taxes are NOT. The IRS has been fraudulently applying the income tax as a direct tax, and that’s what needs to be challenged. Not “everything that comes in” is taxable income. Let’s...
by Sally Oh | Oct 1, 2011 | Fair/Flat Tax, I.R.S., Income Tax, Taxes
Here is some Economic Tax Policy reading for you this morning from the Ludwig Von Mises Institute. The article is a little old, but still relevant, especially considering the TEA Party’s affinity for the Fair Tax over our current tax structure. I thought it...
by Letters to the Editor | Jun 28, 2011 | Taxes
Guest post by Robert Augustine. Work hard, live long, pay your mortgage, and welcome to the status of eternal indentured servant. Ever increasingly, big government is demoting our status from citizen to serf. We work the land and perform the upkeep on property we only...
by Runaway Slave | Oct 15, 2010 | Fair/Flat Tax, Income Tax, Taxes
Americans for Fair Taxation strikes back against Democrats’ false, negative attacks this Sunday with this full-page newspaper ad published in North Carolina, Arizona, and Florida. Lots more where this came from:
by Runaway Slave | Jan 29, 2010 | I.R.S., Income Tax, Libertarian Curmudgeon, Taxes
The following article by attorney Bill Butler is longish, and not always and easy read, but well worth the time. It deals with an issue I’ve been involved in more closely than I’d have liked for a number of years now, and there’s really no end in...