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Taxes Suck — 2017 Edition

If I was merely wasting the money I pay in taxes, I could live with the progressive tax rate where they take a lot more when I make a little more, as long as the profit curve never turns negative. They’re careful to maintain an asymptotic curve where eventually,...

LETTERS: Downtown Lexington’s “Creative Class” and Gentrification Initiative

Guest post by Liberty Prevails.   In a recent video promoting The Lexington Downtown Management District (a), a proposed quasi governmental entity proposed by The Lexington Downtown Corporation; Phil Holoubek, President of Lexington’s Real Estate Company,...

Is the Fair Tax Fair?

Here is some Economic Tax Policy reading for you this morning from the Ludwig Von Mises Institute. The article is a little old, but still relevant, especially considering the TEA Party’s affinity for the Fair Tax over our current tax structure. I thought it...