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Dethroning King Beshear

King Andy has singlehandedly destroyed Kentucky’s economy. Put just over a million Kentuckians out of work, closed thousands of businesses — many permanently — and bankrupted the state. He must be stopped. Tragically there doesn’t seem to be...

My letter to the Southern Poverty Law Center

This is a letter I sent to the SPLC back in 2010. They’d just written some nonsense about Active Patriot Groups and how patriots are actually terrorists. Oy vey. It was shared on Activist Post and InfoWars. August 30, 2010 Re: SPLC list of “Active Patriot...

KY Prison Population Higher than EVER

Governor Matt Bevin has created a criminal justice reform panel to deal with the fact that, once again, the KY prison population has grown out of control. Read the C-J’s article here. This sobering news comes despite bills in recent years designed specifically...

ICYMI: Federal Court Shuts Down 4th Amendment

Reprinted from a mailer sent by the FL Bar Assoc. Using cell phone data, law enforcement can map your activity right down to entering buildings. A 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling seems to cement the notion that one’s electronic footprints and communications are...