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Kentucky Free Press depends on donations to keep reporting on Kentucky’s government. Your generosity pays for gas, web hosting, coffee and, most of all, time. Advertising on the site is affordable, and you get a lot in return for your contribution! There are five levels of support. Prices are suggested donations. KFP is (unofficially) a non-profit organization.

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Affiliate Disclosure is a forum to share what’s happening in Kentucky as well as experiences and opinions. We practice and encourage personal accountability for all areas of life, including with one’s own health, financial decisions and compliance with government agencies.

Please don’t take anything you read here as gospel truth. While we research carefully, everyone makes mistakes. If you feel we have made a mistake or disagree with an idea, please say so in the comments. We are always willing to look again. In fact, we welcome the opportunity!

The FDA requires us to tell you that any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

This agency (which Charlotte Gerson calls the Fraud and Death Association) is so adamant that we not be allowed to exercise our First Amendment rights that it has gone so far as to have real food bloggers and advice columnists arrested for giving advice to adults. Fortunately for us, the Institute of Justice is on the job.

In order to raise families, continue studies, as well as research and write informative articles, we depend on income from affiliate sponsors. Except for Google ads over which we have no control, you will only find products shared on this site that we use or would use should the need arise.


We appreciate the opportunity Amazon offers to make a small commission on items we use and recommend. If you appreciate the content on this site and are an Amazon shopper, please use the links found in posts to do your Amazon shopping — it does not cost you anything extra. Click here to go to Amazon now!

Questions about products or ideas?

Please ask in the comments section of the post where you saw the product and one of us will answer straightaway. Your question is probably one someone else has.

Thank you for reading and for your support!