by Runaway Slave | Jun 24, 2010 | Libertarian Curmudgeon, Uncategorized
Disturbing evidence is mounting that something frightening is happening deep under the waters of the Gulf of Mexico—something far worse than the BP oil gusher.Warnings were raised as long as a year before the Deepwater Horizon disaster that the area of seabed chosen...
by Runaway Slave | Jun 14, 2010 | Libertarian Curmudgeon, Uncategorized
This ‘urgent’ bill would make it illegal to sell fake urine for the purpose of falsifying a drug test. According to the bill’s sponsor, Sen. Doug Jackson (D-Dickson), people trying to pass job-imposed drug tests are trying to “beat the system” and his anti-fake urine...
by Runaway Slave | Jun 13, 2010 | Libertarian Curmudgeon, Uncategorized
API Well No. 60-817-44169 threw up many challenges to its principal owner, BP, swallowing expensive drilling fluid and burping out dangerous gas. Those woes put the Gulf of Mexico project over budget and behind schedule by April 20, the day the well erupted,...
by Runaway Slave | Jun 12, 2010 | Libertarian Curmudgeon, Uncategorized
Deflation: How To Survive It Important warnings about deflation from Robert Prechter. June 11, 2010 By Elliott Wave International, May 26: "US money supply plunges at 1930s pace… The M3 money supply in the U.S. is contracting at an...
by Runaway Slave | Mar 9, 2010 | Libertarian Curmudgeon, Uncategorized
Don't miss this speech by Obama. One of his very best.
by Runaway Slave | Jan 26, 2010 | Libertarian Curmudgeon, Uncategorized
The doping up of our children is now common place. A four year old who had been under treatment for ADHD since she was 28 months old died of either an overdose or pneumonia. Her parents are on trial for her murder. The reports of the case only occasionally suggest...
by Runaway Slave | Oct 23, 2009 | Libertarian Curmudgeon, Uncategorized
By Sheldon Richman, via the Freeman If Michael Moore would study a little political economy he might turn into a potent champion of individual liberty. As we see in Moore’s new movie, Capitalism: A Love Story, Moore is offended by some truly offensive things: banks...
by Runaway Slave | Oct 21, 2009 | Libertarian Curmudgeon, Uncategorized
The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, the government watchdog which oversees how the stimulus monies are spent reports contractors who received money from President Obama’s failed $787 billion stimulus program created or saved 30,383 jobs by the...